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Varsity Divot-Diggers Face Cuts This Week Prior to M.I.T. Match


Coach Bill Barclay will trim down his swollen crew of 40 links candidates to a team of nine or ten this week, in preparation for Saturday's opener against M.I.T.

Fairly certain to make the squad, according to Barclay, are Bill Rickenbacker, Walter Butler, who played on last year's informal team, Tyke Wilcox, Bob Orr, and Lawrence Kinnicutt. All of these clubmen have been breaking into the seventies more or less consistently.

Tuesday eight men who have been scoring over 85 will compete, so that Barclay can enter the two winners in a playoff with 13 80-85 golfers on Wednesday and Thursday. The four or five leaders from this aggregation will become members of the team.

Freshman duffers started practising last week for their first match, to be held sometime in the beginning of May.

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