
Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor Talks Justice, Civic Engagement at Radcliffe Day


Church Says It Did Not Authorize ‘People’s Commencement’ Protest After Harvard Graduation Walkout


‘Welcome to the Battlefield’: Maria Ressa Talks Tech, Fascism in Harvard Commencement Address


In Photos: Harvard’s 373rd Commencement Exercises


Rabbi Zarchi Confronted Maria Ressa, Walked Off Stage Over Her Harvard Commencement Speech

Debate Council Holds Tryout Today for Eli, Princeton Logomachy


Tryouts for the six positions on the debate teams that will engage in the traditional Harvard - Yale - Princeton debates will take place today at 3 o'clock in the Noble Room at Phillips Brooks House.

Six winners of the tryout competition will face each other in a debate early next week, two winners of which will receive $100 Coolidge Prizes.

The topic of the triangular debate and of the Coolidge contest will be: "Resolved, That an alliance with Great Britain offers the United States the best measure of security."

Meanwhile, the Debate Council announced the election of the following as provisional members: Lynn W. Eley '50, William J. Gibbons '49, S. William Green '50, Robert S. Hirschfield '50, Eli Kaminsky '47, John A. Lucal '48, and Paul L. Wright '49.

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