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Varsity Nine Faces Favored B.U. at Soldiers Field Today

By Peter B. Taub

Whenever Boston University's baseball Terriers come to town, the Crimson nine has to be at its tip top best. And the Terriers come to town today, for their first game of the season.

Whether or not Dolph Samborski's charges can produce a two-game win streak remains to be seen. They will be the underdogs. But they were underdogs when they faced Fort Devens on Thursday. Their 20 hits attest to the fact that the locals can lace their batting shoes tight. Perhaps Crimson bats will provide power this afternoon to back up Ira Godin's pitching. Game time is 3 o'clock.

B.U. consistently brings a crack team to Soldiers Field. Last year they trimmed the Crimson twice with Dick Snow, veteran of the visitors' mound staff who will oppose Harvard this afternoon, turning in a 2 to 1 teninning win. In fact, Coach Mel Collard has named practically an all-veteran lineup. Only outfielders Walt Anderson and George Boston, erstwhile Crimson athlete, are newcomers. Boston bat's in the cleanup slot.

The Terriers have shown up well in recent practice sessions. They are led by shortstop Charlie Espanet, returning for his third year of ball and considered one of the best local college players.

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