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Coach Picks Final 15 Men for 1950 Basketball Squad


Basketball coach Norm Shepard cut his squad down to the final 15 men yesterday, and came up with a team consisting of four seniors, three sophomores, and eight juniors. Among these he has five letter men, and one man who started against Yale last year, Captain Ed Smith.

Guards Gerry Murphy, Bill Hickey, Bob Bramhall, and Jim Gabler are among the returning lettermen. The last two are seniors. Smith, a six foot seven center, will be the pivot man in Shepard's single pivot this year.

Last year the Crimson worked Smith and John Rockwell off a double pivot, but Shepard expects that lack of another experienced big man will force him to use the single post man.

The other juniors on the team are Paul Altrocchi, Bill Borah, Alden Davis, Ambie Redmond, John, Stevenson, and Alan Switzer. Quentin Stiles, besides those mentioned, is the remaining senior on the squad. Forrest "Woody" Hansen, 6:5 center Dick Lionette, and forward Jim Urdan are coming up from the freshman team.

The team has added two games to its Midwestern trip. It will play Dennison University on December 28 at Granville, Ohio, and Chicago University the next day. Its first scrimmage is November 16 at the University of Connecticut.

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