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Student DP Leaves Radcliffe To Take Up Nursing Career


Maria de Voross, the student Displaced Person brought to Radcliffe by the Class of '52, has left her studies at the Annex to enter the school of nursing at Mt. Auburn Hospital. The sophomore class will continue the financial support of the 20-year-old Hungarian girl in her chosen vocation.

Miss de Voross came to Radcliffe in September as a Biology major, intending to study medicine after graduation Realizing the language and financial difficulties that medical school might entail, she switched to a career in nursing.

Room and board for student nurses at Mt. Auburn are free. The sophomore class paid the original entrance fee and will provide a small allowance for her during the three year nursing course. The total amount will equal approximately what the class would have needed for the foreign student's next semester at the Annex.

Excess Goes to SG Fund

Any surplus in the class treasury will be added to the newly created Student Government Grant-in-Aid Fund.

The sophomores will keep ties with their ex-classmate through exchange visits and letters. Miss de Voross will also have her mother and brother in the United States soon. The Window Shop has assured immigration authorities that the student's mother will be given a job on arrival here.

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