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Next Athletic Director Picked Within 10 Days

Corporation Will Choose from List of 5 Selected by Ad-Hoc Group as Good Possibilities


Some time within the next ten days the Corporation will select Harvard's new director of athletics.

The selection will be made from five men, carefully screened and chosen by a seven man ad-hoc committee. The committee gave the names to the Corporation at least one week ago, but as yet no action has been taken.

The Corporation is regularly scheduled to meet every other Monday.

At least one of the five men recommended has the endorsement of both President Conant and Provost Buck. Buck chaired the ad-hoc committee. Conant is now on an extended tour of Europe.

Who the five men are remains as much of a secret as it ever was. Many names have been dropped into a wild speculation derby--names such as Robert B. Watson '37, Endicott Peabody '42, and James J. Gaffney, Jr. '37--but the committee has refused to divulge any of its choices.

Wanted Young Graduate

Early criteria set up by the committee called for the man to be under 40 and a Harvard College graduate, but in the actual process of selection age was a flexible limit.

During the ten-week selection period, members of the committee traveled throughout the country. On at least one occasion, a possible choice was eliminated when he revealed he would not take the job if asked.

William J. Bingham '16, present director of athletics, resigned February 8.

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