
Pro-Palestine Encampment Represents First Major Test for Harvard President Alan Garber


Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu Condemns Antisemitism at U.S. Colleges Amid Encampment at Harvard


‘A Joke’: Nikole Hannah-Jones Says Harvard Should Spend More on Legacy of Slavery Initiative


Massachusetts ACLU Demands Harvard Reinstate PSC in Letter


LIVE UPDATES: Pro-Palestine Protesters Begin Encampment in Harvard Yard

Cupid Capers in Cambridge


This puckered, puckish puss belongs to Cupid. Peering, leering out of your mailbox, his target for today is you.

Waxing poetic and passionate, he asks, "Are you now, or have you ever been my Valentine?" Or else the blithe one blurts: "I know, my Valentine, that life is full of lumps; So please tell me then, have you lately had the mumps?"

But sparring or spooding, invoking or insulting. Cupid and his cards are just so much rubbish tomorrow. And while they burn, the CRIMSON physicist cautions readers to keep in mind Kern's Principle: "When your heart's on fire, you must realize, smoke gets in your eyes."

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