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No Meets Scheduled By Golfers in South; Opposition Too Tough


Unseasoned Crimson golfers, no match for experienced southern teams, will forego the usual spring trip of intercollegiate practice matches this year.

Instead, six men, including only one holdover from last year's six-win, three-loss squad, will practice for a week at Pinehurst, North Carolina golfing shrine.

Jack Brophy, who finished last season playing sixth man, is the only ex-varsity player making the trip. Captain Dave Hedberg, fourth in 1952, is swimming at Ohio State.

Brophy will be accompanied by Bruce Thurmond, Ted Cooney, Doug Boyd, Pete Malkin and Harold Kaufman, in addition to coach Harold Williams and manager Bob Stiles.

Thurmond captained last season's freshman squad, and consistently turned in scores better than the varsity rounds. Cooney also stood out in the few matches he played as a freshman last year. Most of his time was spent on the baseball club.

In previous years, the Crimson was beaten as badly on the spring trip by southern squads that had been playing year-round golf, that it was decided merely to hit practice shots this spring, and compete only in the regular season, which opens April 15 against Babson.

The spring trip is informal, and financed by the players themselves, not the H.A.A. The six leave today.

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