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Mem Steeple to Get Re-Gliding


LAURIE YOUNG, one of the last of the great steeplejacks relaxes in his boatswain's chair and appraises the condition of the weather-worn vane atop Memorial Church.

Climbing on a series of ladders form the bell tower, 52-year-old Young vainly attempted to lift off the seven-foot top piece of the steeple yesterday for regliding.

Today, or the next windless day, Young will paint yellow all that is presently gold on the tower. Later he will apply gold leaf.

When Young's work is completed, the Department of Buildings and Grounds plans to paint the hurricane damaged steeple and the church itself.

Young, who gets paid by the hour, said "it shouldn't take more than two months, if the weather is right."

Four years ago, Young glided the hands and numerals of the Memorial Hall clock with the aid of his two sons. This is the biggest clock face he has ever worked on.

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