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Joslin Not Starting In Saturday's Game


Right halfback Jim Joslin almost certainly will not start against Columbia, Coach Lloyd Jordan disclosed yesterday at football practice. Joslin, the team's leading ground gainer at Cornell, was injured early in that contest, but may play against the Lions if he is needed. Ron Eikenberry, his substitute, also has a slight injury, and Jim Damis worked out at the position yesterday.

Jordan said Marv Lebovitz, also hurt at Ithaca, will return to action in New York Saturday.

Yesterday, the team checked its offensive assignments and ran through a moderately heavy scrimmage. The practice session went on past 6 p.m., and the lights at the field were turned on for the first time this season.

Jordan said he especially feared Columbia quarterback Claude Benham and halfback Ed Spraker. These two players have been Columbia's chief offensive threat all year, and were especially effective against Yale last Saturday.

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