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Young Dems Visit Capital, Plan N.Y. Rally

Group to Meet With Congressmen

By Lawrence W. Feinberg

Eighteen members of the Young Democratic Club of Harvard and Radcliffe are in Washington, D.C., this morning to begin three days of meetings with Congressional leaders and Administration officials.

On Capitol Hill, the group will meet with House Speaker John McCormack and Rep. Richard Bolling (Dem.-Mo.), a member of Democrats' House Policy Committee. Last fall Bolling received liberal support in his unsuccessful bid for the position of Majority Whip.

The YDCHR will also hear Rep. Francis Walter (Dem.-Pa.), chairman of the House Un-American Activities Committee. They will have an opportunity to question both Walter and members of the HUAC staff.

Plans are still indefinite for a White House meeting with President John F. Kennedy on Friday.

However, the Young Democrats have scheduled conferences with Roswell L. Gilpatric, Deputy Secretary of Defense, and Edwin M. Martin, Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs.

Cocktails With Harvard Alumni

On Friday evening, the Young Democrats will host a cocktail party at the Dodge Hotel for 35 Congressmen and officials. Most of the guests will be Harvard alumni.

In the only strictly political event of the trip, the group will meet with Mrs. Margaret Price, vice-Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. They are expected to discuss the role of students in Democratic campaign plans for the November Congressional elections. Harry F. Greene '63, president of the YDCHR, has made a proposal for national recruiting of students to work for Democratic candidates during summer vacation.

To begin the series of conferences the YDCHR group will be briefed by State Department officials on American policy towards Cuba at 9:30 a.m. today.

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