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College Gives 35 Summas; Only 20 Awarded in '62

By Charles W. Bevard

Thirty-five seniors will receive their degrees summa cum laude, tomorrow, Sargent Kennedy '28, Registrar, revealed yesterday. This is the largest number over to be won by a single senior class.

Over one-half of the summas will be awarded to concentrators in the natural sciences, Kennedy also said. Eighteen and one-half were awarded in the natural sciences, ten and one-half in the humanities, and only 6 in the social sciences, although this area has the largest number of concentrators of the three.

The fractional concentrators are explained by degrees awarded in History and Science and History and Literature, which are counted as one-half in the social sciences and one-half in either natural sciences or the humanities.

Last year, only 20 summas were awarded in the College, while 28 were conferred in 1961, 22 in 1960 22 in 1959, and 31 in both 1958 and 1957. Twenty-four were awarded in 1956.

Summa recipients, as well as the four Class Marshalls, represent their class during Commencement and are presented diplomas at the morning ceremonies in the Yard. Other members of their class will receive their diplomas afterwards in presentation ceremonies in each House.

In the event of rain, Commencement will take place in Sanders Theatre.

The ceremony will begin at 9:30 a.m. with a march from the Old Yard to the Tercentenary Theatre under the direction of the University Marshal, J. Hampden Robb '21. Others in the procession, besides Faculty and officers of the University, candidates for degrees and alumni, will include governor Peabody '42, who will arrive in a horse and buggy escorted by a troop of National Lancers, Mayor Collins of Boston, a representative of Cambridge's Mayor Edward A. Crane '35, and other high officials of city and state.

Tomorrow afternoon the Alumni Association meeting will begin with a procession of alumni under the direction of Francis Keppel, Chief Marshal of the Class of 1938, which is celebrating its 25th reunion.

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