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Mrs. Nhu Hails McNamara Visit

World & National News


ROME, Sept. 22--Mrs. Ngo Dinh Nhu, first lady of South Viet Nam, ridiculed junior officers of the U.S. military mission in Saigoa today, calling them "little soldiers of fortune." President Ngo Dinh Diem's sister-in-law spoke bitterly of what she called the "irresponsible behavior" of young American Army officers stationed in her country.

In an interview at the South Viet Nam embassy, Mrs. Nhu said, "I hall the forth-coming visit of the American Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara to Saigon because we always welcome all responsible people willing to understand our situation."

"I am glad Mr. McNamara is going to Saigon to see how things are run," she continued. "The junior officers of the U.S. military mission are acting like little soldiers of fortune. They don't know what is going on. With their irresponsible behavior, they have forced the senior officers into following a confused policy."

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