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Varsity Track Team Will Host Eagles Without Benka and Pottetti in Bubble


After last Saturday's narrow loss to an outstanding Army track team, Harvard's squad faces what should be a fairly close meet with Boston College tonight at 6 p.m. in the newly-opened bubble.

Although assistant coach Edgar B. Stowell said the Crimson will have no difficulty winning tonight, the Boston College team should prove strong in several areas. In the 35-pound weight throw B.C. has a strong contender in Harry Krause, who has shown the potential to throw the weight 55 feet. In addition, the Eagles have a broad jumper who is able to leap over 22 feet. Coach Stowell also expects the B.C. team to be strong in the 600, the hurdles, dashes, and shot put.

Harvard will probably win the mile, two-mile, 1000, and 600 meter runs as well as the pole vault, high jump, and the relays. The real problem in tonight's contest is that the team is plagued by injuries and other complications. Captain Dick Benka will be out as well as several distance runners including cross-country All-American David Pottetti, who last Saturday easily won the two-mile run.

Shaw Recuperating

In addition to these complications, Royce Shaw, who took victories in both the mile and the 1000-meter run last Saturday, will probably use this meet to recuperate and, at least, not participate in as many events as he did against Army.

All of this seems to indicate that the Harvard team is fairly confident about winning this dual meet after almost overcoming Army last Saturday.

As for the rest of the season, Stowell feels that the Crimson faces at least an even chance in again winning the Heptagonals and the IC4A's at the end of February and first of March. Princeton and Yale, in addition to Army, are likely to provide the most competition in these meets.

There were several bright spots in last Saturday's competition. Especially mentioned by Coach Stowell were the performance by Colburn in the 1000-meter run and high jump.

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