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'Advocate' to Publish Guide to Lit. Courses


The Advocate is planning to publish for the Fall a critical guide to literature courses offered for undergraduates.

Unlike the Crimson's Confi Guide, which purports to be based on a poll of students, the Advocate's guide will feature its staff members personal opinions on the professors and their courses.

It will be "an approach for students already concerned with literature," Thomas A. Stewart '70, Advocate president, said yesterday. He said that members of the Advocate, who are seriously interested in literature, would be good critics of English and related courses for other serious students.

The guide, covering 20 to 30 courses, will sell for less than one dollar. Although the Advocate has for the past five years been too poor to put out the four issues a year required by its constitution, Stewart said they "do not forsee any particular problems" financing the guide. The specific financial arrangements have not yet been decided.

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