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Board Rate Is Raised To $720 for Next Year


The board rate in the College is going up $60 to $720 next year.

The increase comes in the same year that tuition is going up $400, raising the total cost of tuition, room and board by 14 per cent--from $3240 to $3700.

Dean Ford said Wednesday that scholarships will be increased to cover part of the $60 increase, but, as usual, the scholarship increase will "not match dollar for dollar" the increase in fees.

The director of the Food Services, C. Graham Hurlburt Jr. said two factors necessitated the increase: inflation and the opening of a tenth upperclass dining hall in Mather House.

This is the second consecutive year that board rate has been increased. Last year, it went up from $620 to $660.

L. Gard Wiggins, administrative vice president of the University, said Wednesday that the administration knew last year when it announce the first increase that a second one would be necessary when Mather House opened.

Wiggins said the increase was not imposed all at once because the administration did not want to charge students in 1968-69 for charges relating to the operation of Mather House.

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