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In Photos: Harvard’s 373rd Commencement Exercises


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The Summer

Hall Replaces and Suspends


Stephen S.J. Hall, vice president for administration, this summer decided to remove the director of Buildings and Grounds because "he doesn't seem to be getting results."

Hall vowed to replace Paul Rouillard as head of the $35 million operation with "the best physical plant director in the country."

In earlier summer action Hall announced the suspension of plans to use a controversial hand-scanner to check student identifications in the dining hall food lines.

Hall wanted to use the machine to stop students from passing around bursar's cards to those not on board contract.

The Identimat machine checked to see if a student's hand print matched a pre-coded picture of that hand print on the back of the bursar's card.

Hall cited complaints he received about potential invasions of privacy as the reason for the suspension.

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