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Four Seniors Win Preliminary College Bowl Competition Here


Four seniors this weekend won the Harvard College Bowl Championship and may go on to compete in the national competition, which tests college students from across the country on their knowledge of trivia.

Robert P. Bauchwitz '82, David C. Jabon '82, Ari M. Lieman '82, and A. Michael Ruderman '81-4 defeated 23 teams, each composed of four undergraduates, in a preliminary competition at Lamont Library Saturday, and then bested five finalist teams for the school championship.

A Harvard team must qualify at the regional competition--to be held in February at the University of New Hampshire--before Harvard is eligible for the nationals in March, Michael F. Day '82, a team captain, said yesterday.

Harvard has participated in the College Bowl since 1977, when the competition was revived, and has sent a team to the nationals each year. Last year a Crimson squad reached the quarter finals, where it fell to Davidson College, a small school in North Carolina.

Lieman, president of the Harvard College Bowl chapter, said yesterday that the Harvard contingent for the regionals--four players, an alternate and a coach--will be selected by consensus of the tournament participants from both this weekend's winning and losing teams.

Former "Jeopardy" star Art Fleming will host the national championship, Lieman siad, adding that the winning school will receive a commemorative cup and a stipend for undergraduate scholarships.

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