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Rape Suspect Arraigned, Enters Not Guilty Plea

By Joshua A. Gerstein

The man accused of the December rape of a Harvard employee was arraigned behind closed doors yesterday in Middlesex Superior Court, the court's clerk said.

Kerry Perkins, 22, pleaded not guilty to charges of aggravated rape, kidnapping and armed robbery, prosecutor Adrienne Lynch said.

Judge John P. Sullivan set bail for Perkins at $100,000 bond or $10,000 cash, Lynch said. Perkins is due back in court March 9, the clerk said.

In an unusual practice, all of yesterday's proceedings took place at the judge's bar or in his chambers. The procedures were requested by defense attorney Milly A. Whatley because the victim's identification of the suspect is expected to be an important issue in the case, Lynch said.

Photographers had requested the judge's permission to photograph the subject, but Perkins never appeared in the courtroom.

Perkins, identified by computer analysis of fingerprints found at the scene of the crime, was picked up

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