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Economics Professor Hall Leaves FAS for Business School

By Matthew R. Hubbard

Assistant Professor of Economics Brian J. Hall '86 has decided to leave the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and his popular class Economics 1444: "Financial Institutions and Markets" for a position at Harvard Business School (HBS).

Hall said he decided to leave for HBS because it offered him research support and a light teaching load.

"It was a good career move for me," he said. "I have always wanted to work at a business school anyway."

HBS has offered him a longer period in which to receive tenure, Hall said.

"They have given me a five-year time clock to make my case," he said.

Hall's class, Economics 1444, is extremely popular among economics concentrators. Hall has taught the course for two years, during which the enrollment has risen from 180 students to about 300 this year.

The class moved twice before finding a room with the capacity to handle all interested students.

John C. Raezer '97, Hall's student and thesis advisee, praised his professor's ability to explain difficult concepts.

"He is very good at distilling important material," Raezer said. "He is more interested in application of ideas than repetition."

Bruce Watson, a teaching fellow in Hall's class, called him an "extraordinary teacher."

"I expect him to be as big a star across the river as he has been here," he said.

George P. Baker '79, professor of business administration and a member of the HBS senior faculty group that hired Hall, said he was "absolutely thrilled" with Hall's decision to move to the Business School.

"His research and teaching interests fit in well with what we are looking for," he said.

Hall will continue both to teach and to do research at HBS.

His research focuses on corporate governance, which deals with the compensation of managers in the work environment.

Hall said he has "incredible regrets" about leaving his students in the economics department, who he characterized as "the best in the world."

"In the long run the Business School is the best place for me," he added.

Hall also teaches Economics 1420: "American Economic Policy" with Baker Professor of Economics Martin S. Feldstein '61.

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