Roving Reporter

TOBY L. ROMANO ’04 studies in the Winthrop House Library for this afternoon’s exam in Science A-43, “Environmental Risks and Disasters.” Romano has four exams remaining halfway through exam period.
TOBY L. ROMANO ’04 studies in the Winthrop House Library for this afternoon’s exam in Science A-43, “Environmental Risks and Disasters.” Romano has four exams remaining halfway through exam period.

"I feel asleep...on the 86 bus and I missed Union Square. The next thing I knew the lights were off."

--Katherine A. Murphy '01

"When I was a sophomore in high school, I feel asleep with my head on my math book and it was stuck to my cheek."

-- Rob T. Dennis '02

"One time I feel asleep in the first row of class and George Will got mad and turned all red."

-- Lucas Arribas Layton '00

"I'm a swimmer, and my senior year I feel asleep in economics class. I did a start [jump] in my dream and my papers flew across the room."

-- Rebekah L. Lorenz '02

"I feel asleep during two exams. I didn't know the subject matter for BS 1 and Math 121, so it was kind of a conscious decision. I said, 'I have three hours and I don't know this. I might as well just fall asleep.'"

-- Jae H. Park '01

"I'm a sleepwalker. One time I woke up in my underwear and a T-shirt in the Adams House tunnels. I had to call HUPD."

-- Catherine M. Siciliano '00

Roving Reporter

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