The blog of The Harvard Crimson

Which Bridgerton Character Corresponds to Your Concentration?


{shortcode-4f733ac34bd9d9f1df85fbbe330ec02d3cef8f59}2020 may have been rotten, but it gave us Bridgerton — and doesn’t that make up for everything? We were all already on the couch and in our pajamas when Netflix put out this new show on Christmas day, so it just made sense to binge watch it. And it. Was. Amazing. 1800’s Regency England could not be more different from life today, but what if the Bridgerton cast exchanged their corsets and waistcoats for a crimson hoodie and sweatpants? I’m sure any of the characters would trade in balls, opera performances, gowns, feasts, and strolls through Hyde Park for dhall meals, the fake Cambridge, and its winters. So, fetch some tea and biscuits as we take a gander into which Bridgerton character would be concentrating in what subject.


NOTE: Spoiler ahead! If you’re not caught up to EPISODE 8, read further at your own risk.


{shortcode-15ae9c97d9ffaabdbddc7e9905768a6799074dbe}Daphne Bridgerton: Comparative Literature


The most well-spoken and well-mannered character on the show would be a connoisseur of all things literature. She would eloquently and confidently stroll into an early morning class ready to examine Jane Austen or Shakespeare. Her perfectly-coordinated outfits (perhaps she would forgo the gowns for class) would stun those around her.


{shortcode-d34b3c441c78ed45d8f3f7cc21c2a9fd80df0a78}Eloise Bridgerton: Economics


Eloise would be an econ snake and overachiever. Curious, feisty, and persistent, she would likely be done with assignments weeks in advance and would have no shame asking several questions in 300+ person online lectures.


{shortcode-6ecb0108f23f19a66979f121d61b6207efbf0984}Simon Basset: History of Art and Architecture


Simon is arguably art himself, so it just makes sense for this to be his chosen concentration. Given that the house he grew up in on the show is a 450-year-old English manor, he would likely have some interesting insights to share in class. He would also be permanently pinned on your Zoom screen.


{shortcode-3f92fd27e7ba80f962ab1c3f4608c4aef012268e}Penelope Featherington: Psychology


As a psych concentrator, Penelope, aka Lady Whistledown, would secretly be psychoanalyzing those around her — friends and professors alike — monitoring their social interactions and flirtations during lectures and labs. Her clandestine research would no doubt end up as part of her thesis, in which she would shamelessly spill all the salacious drama about the Harvard community.


{shortcode-fdfa1b7ca82e1a214b4c9195f153bd55fd9b182a}Anthony Bridgerton: Special Concentration


Anthony cannot commit to anything or anyone (like a certain opera singer) on the show, so as a student he would probably struggle to find a suitable concentration. So, he would likely overwhelm himself with too many classes from too many schools and departments and try to fancy them into a special concentration.


Based on the above assessment, all STEM concentrators should probably rethink their fields of study, just in case the Bridgerton characters do show up at the College. In any case, Simon Basset would definitely be the motivation needed to get up for those 9 a.m. classes.

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Tag Yourself: HUDS Dessert Edition


{shortcode-e949dbdbdd95fe4cc3d5790c37ed9be3f8c1f79e}Ever get so sleep-deprived that you can see the similarities between your blockmate and a tiramisu? Us too. Check our tag yourself for some hot takes on which HUDS dessert you’re aligned with.

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How to: Stay Active Without the MAC


{shortcode-1908ecaf010880e43f8b9a43979b8bb9efd6a840}With the endless hours of sitting in front of your laptop on Zoom, maintaining an active life can be challenging. Though you may not have the option to freely head to the Malkin Athletic Center to burn off some energy, there are still ways to keep moving if you wish to do so. Here are a few tips from Flyby to working out without the MAC as we spend a few more months indoors.


Harvard Recreation’s YouTube Channel


Live workout sessions with Harvard Recreation are super motivating and upbeat, but maybe all of the live yoga sessions conflict with your language class, or you think Zumba is more of an afternoon activity and not a 7:30 a.m. one (we feel you). To mitigate time constraints, Harvard Recreation uploaded several videos to follow along with at any time. Whether you want to try pilates for the first time or challenge yourself to a 30-minute HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workout, there is a large variety of options with different instructors available. Because these trainers usually lead classes at Harvard, this may be one of the closest ways to feel like you’re at the MAC.


Zoom Call with Friends


If you’re having trouble keeping a consistent workout schedule, consider setting up a regular schedule with a few buddies to get your heart pumping over a Zoom call. Challenge each other to see who can do the longest plank, the most jumping jacks, and the highest kicks. Or you can all use a virtual background of the Charles River while jogging in place, as if you’re going on a run together like the good ol’ days. At the end, reward yourselves with a cute little Netflix Party.


Creativity with Household Items


If you want to sneak in a few exercises while you’re waiting around for your Internet to connect, for your cup of noodles to heat up, or for your club members to show up, use everyday household items around you. In the common room, transform the futon into a tricep dip apparatus. In your bedroom, pick up your heavy pile of dirty pajamas and carry it to the laundry machine. Sure, you may get some funny looks from the people you live with, but what’s new?


Run Around in Circles


Maybe you’re located in a crowded city with high Covid-19 rates where it is unsafe to be outdoors for a long period of time. Or perhaps there is a foot of snow outside and you simply would rather stay where it’s warm and cozy. If you miss running and don’t have a treadmill, set up a few chairs in a circle and jog around them. And good news — sprinting to the kitchen to quickly grab a banana one minute before your class starts definitely counts as a run!


With another semester of Zoomversity, you’re probably limited in ways to work out. Though our beloved gym may not be physically available, there are still several ways to stay active without the MAC.

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Sleep Schedules for a Zoom Semester


{shortcode-54aadd1ac7f2a8078338bc17eb01cc42ce7c4a86}There are some undeniable benefits to online learning, such as not needing to change out of your pajamas for class or being able to wake up five minutes before class and still look presentable (or just have the camera off and no one will know if you still have the blanket wrapped around you like a burrito); however, for a perpetually sleep deprived college student, one has to wonder how beneficial Zoom classes are for one’s sleep schedule. Clearly everyone’s coping differently with this online semester, so here’s a field guide to all the different sleep schedules of Harvard students during a Zoom semester.


The nonexistent nine-hour sleep


This person is adjusting well to college and the demanding workload. They do not procrastinate on their work and go to bed at the same time every night. While you are toiling away at psets at 2:00 a.m., they are already sound asleep in bed, probably dreaming about taking over the world or congratulating themselves on the good sleep schedule. Let’s be real, though, this is Harvard. This sleep schedule is either nonexistent or will vanish as soon as midterms start.


The actually existent but regretful nine-hour sleep


They procrastinate their homework until 10:30 p.m., but their brain stops working at 11:00 p.m. The solution? Go to bed early and then wake up early to do homework. The reality? They keep hitting snooze on their phone and then wake up half an hour before their first class of the day, feeling full of regret.


All-nighter squad


They live off coffee and Red Bull and look perpetually sleep-deprived (which they are). All-nighters are smart with planning and management, as they finesse their schedule to find the optimal schedule to pull an all-nighter. Cons: the sleep-deprivation and stress and pain and the coffee bills. Pros: they’re done with homework in one sitting; they’ll be the dependable friend who people come to for advice and all the hottest tea in the middle of the night.


Sleeping during lecture with camera off


After pulling an all-nighter, your 9:00 a.m. Gen Ed lecture doesn’t sound exciting at all; however, because of Zoom, professors can now keep attendance of whoever shows up to class. The solution? Join the Zoom, and then turn off your video to sleep. As long as you set an alarm to wake up at the end of class to leave the Zoom, your attendance record will still be as perfect as ever. This is the sleep schedule for students who still care enough to get that 15 percent of attendance, even if they no longer have the energy for the class.


Skipping Zoom classes altogether to sleep


This is the sleep schedule for students who no longer care for their attendance. Sleep is all that matters now. It is a vicious cycle of spending all your waking hours on psets and essays and then sleeping during the actual classes. Disclaimer: This is only a good schedule for lecture classes, not small sections or discussion seminars. Pros: they actually get to sleep. Cons: the professor’s surprise in seeing them actually show up to class one day.


What is sleep?


The most ambitious crossover since Infinity Wars: procrastination meets a good student. They stay up all night to finish psets and essays and will attend every lecture (not even for the grades but genuinely for the knowledge). Sleep comes to them in the form of naps during the 15-minute interval in between classes. They are actually getting something out of their education. Bravo. However, one can’t help but ask the questions: “At what cost?” and “Will they survive?”


We’ve finished one Zoom-ester already, but don’t worry if you still haven’t found the perfect sleep schedule for Zoom yet. As people say, college is where you try new things. Although we do not 100 percent recommend this, feel free to try out all of these methods to find which one works best for you. Maybe you’ll learn that sleep is for the weak and that naps (and coffee and Red Bull) are enough to sustain your body or that you really just don’t care for that perfect attendance anymore. (It is but a relic of your glorious high school past. You’re at Harvard now!)

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How to: Cope With Missing Your Pets


{shortcode-dcbc2d210a11f121aaa62c7cc56b786ef40281a9}A lot of things developed over early quarantine: my crippling TikTok addiction, whipped coffee, and my pets and I became really close. Like, really close — to the point of separation anxiety. And while we may not be able to be with them, try a few of these ideas to help cope with missing them!


“Adopt” a dog on campus


There are so many cute dogs on campus from tourists, proctors, and families, all of which could be “yours.” While we cannot condone stealing someone’s pet, “adopt” one — go visit your local proctor and offer to take their dog on walks or pet-sit! While respecting social distancing and with permission, you could also pet some local dogs and make a new friend. Pro tip: as a Quadling, I can tell you the Quad has an abnormally large amount of cute dogs. And if campus dogs aren’t enough, go check out one of Cambridge’s multiple dog parks!


(Secretly) foster kittens


In times like these, we must all adjust to new ways of life. With no guests allowed in rooms, we have been presented with an immense challenge this semester, but also a wonderful possibility: fostering kittens. These little balls of fluff would provide immeasurable joy and it would be as beneficial to you as it would for them! For ~legal reasons~ we? do not condone fostering kittens… But realistically, how would anyone know? Food for thought...


Facetime your pets!


Call your family under the pretense of talking to them and demand to speak with your pet! While you can’t see their cute faces in person currently, their nose pressed up against the camera is a serotonin boost and a great photo-op. From personal experience, results can vary, as my dog gets very excited and my cat feigns disinterest and acts as if she has no idea who I am. However, it is still highly recommended.


Adopt a rock/plant


Need a companion but just don’t have the time to take care of it? Why not adopt a rock! You can paint it, talk to it, and keep it on your desk to study with you. Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures. Or buy a plant! Very similar to the rock, but with slight responsibilities. Just water as required and bam!


Befriend the squirrels


Campus has a lot of squirrels. Yes, they are pretty thicc and alarmingly aggressive, but also could be a good pal. All you need to do is channel your inner Snow White, don’t flinch when they run at you maliciously, and win over their hearts. Disclaimer: this has not yet been done successfully, so befriend the squirrels at your own risk. High risk, high reward type of scenario.


Although all of these are guaranteed to bring you immense joy, we know none of them can really replace seeing your pet now that you’re away from home. Hang in there! Soon you will be together again!

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Four Situations More Awkward Than Breakout Room Icebreakers


{shortcode-b7457254f250a18ef1a5d520a826ebac8170f94d}Picture this: it’s 8:59 a.m. on a Monday morning and you just woke up when you realize class starts in one minute. You lean over to grab your hoodie from the previous day(s) and slide it over your head, simultaneously powering up your laptop and frantically digging through Canvas to find the Zoom link for class. As you sink back into the comfort of your sheets you’re greeted with many tiny squares displaying the professor, a couple enthusiastic students who have clearly woken up at least fifteen minutes prior to class (and are already caffeinated), and of course, those like you: camera off with a perpetual “connecting to audio…” You’re trying your best to remain in a vertical position when suddenly your worst nightmare is realized: someone (perhaps the professor? Words and voices are a blur at this point) says the words, “let’s go into breakout rooms and do a little icebreaker.”


But fear not. Here’s a list of four social situations that are even more awkward than breakout room icebreakers, to make you feel better about that not-so-fun fact you just accidentally told ten other strangers.


1. The irl Yard run-ins


Let’s face it—we’ve forgotten how to talk to people. No, TikTok duets don’t count. And neither does dropping memes in the GroupMe at 3 a.m. Meeting people on campus this semester has been… interesting, to say the least. Wave at a friend and get ignored because they don’t recognize you in a mask? Jump into conversations with complete strangers under the pretense of thinking they are someone else? Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. Or the worst. You decide.


2. Unexpected realities


We get it, people look very different from the shoulders up in a tiny square on a Zoom call than they do in person. Was someone emanating 6-foot-3-inch vibes but ended up being 5 feet in person? Admit it, we’ve all been there. Just try not to tell them to their face. “Johnny! So nice to finally meet you! You’re so short!” never plays out too well.


3. Ghosting gone wrong


If you’re on campus this semester, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll run into people you know (in those rare instances you leave the shelter of your dorm), especially near hotspots like the dining halls or test drop-offs. But does that mean you want to hang out with them? Not necessarily. “Wanna grab lunch?” “No, sorry, I have class in a few…” There you are ten minutes later, locking eyes with them across the steps of Widener as you devour your latest HUDS meal, clearly not mid-Zoom lecture. Or maybe you were. You do you, little warrior.


4. Zoom… situations


The only thing worse than Zoom icebreaker breakout rooms is… more Zoom. Perhaps you’re an excessively eager Zoomer and hop on the lecture call a few minutes early, only to be trapped in a room with the professor and two TF’s of the course discussing the telepathic abilities of their cats. Or maybe you were just sprinkling the final touch of seasoning on your instant ramen during section, when the TF asks you directly what you thought about that point Maxwell just made regarding philosophical dualism. And arguably the winner of them all: you’re preparing for your audition with America’s Got Talent by screeching Taylor Swift’s latest album at the top of your lungs, when the professor patiently reminds the class to please mute themselves. It’s no surprise that Ec10a never saw your (virtual) face again.


Long story short, icebreaker breakout sessions aren’t the absolute worst thing you may experience throughout the Zoom college experience. In fact, they’re arguably up there with the positives (at least you get to meet new people… ?). And hey, on the even brighter side, you’re getting closer and closer to acing that audition for America’s Got Talent with every muted Zoom lecture. At least, that’s what the professor said last time ;)

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Five Things Shorter than My Gen Ed Readings


{shortcode-3501b8887958bd6851c0dd5c929bdfc6004cda2d}Shopping for Gen Ed classes this year was probably as satisfying as any other form of online shopping — there we were with seemingly limitless options, plenty of actual information sessions, and everyone vying for the most “gem-y” of all the gems. However, now that classes have actually started, we’re left facing the harsh reality of endless reading assignments. Will we actually end up reading all of them? Probably not. Will we still complain about them? Of course!


The Declaration of Independence


Even with their long list of grievances against England, the Founding Fathers managed to keep it under a cool 2,000 words, which is certainly much less than the 75,000 words that you might find in my Gen Ed reading.


The Walk to Annenberg When You Know The Dinner is Roast Beef


There are few walks as somber as the walk to the Berg when you know that roast beef is waiting for you. Maybe the thought of the thick, grey meat actually slows down the rate of walking. It always feels like a very long journey when you know there is a punishment waiting at your destination.


The Pause on Zoom When a Professor Asks a Question and Nobody Responds


Will someone answer? Is anybody going off of mute? Is the professor looking at me? Are they going to cold call? Should I just answer? Do I even know the answer? A million questions, and a crushing amount of awkwardness. The pause is infinitely long, but still shorter than my latest Gen Ed reading.


The Distance from My Dorm Room to the Closest Water Source


Sometimes, I choose to be ragingly parched rather than make the voyage to fill up my water bottle. It feels like quite the distance in the morning when you wake up and have to descend from the third floor to the first to get some warm, slightly odorous water from the fountain.


The Communist Manifesto


The Communists certainly seemed to be able to keep it concise. At a breezy 32 pages, I would be almost overjoyed to engage with their literature compared to my latest reading assignment.


My Gen Ed readings, for all their length, are here to stay. However, I’m hoping that an investment in Brita filters and Trader Joe’s food will at least eliminate the need for odorous water and unidentifiable meat — in any case, major props to those of you actually planning to complete these endless readings!

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Dude That's Rude: The Worst Things Professors Can Do For Zoom University


{shortcode-366ab2c70feaba8a293cd8dec4e6adce6dd86f97}We didn’t choose Zoom University, Zoom University chose us. As we adapt to another semester of learning during these “unprecedented times,” we need to have as smooth of a Zoom experience as possible. Unfortunately, our biggest roadblocks can sometimes be four very own professors who tend to do things that make us just want to shut our laptops and crawl back into bed.


Disabling the Chat


Sometimes you just want to rant to your best friend about how much you hate Zoom or perhaps you want to spice the lecture up with some fun banter and cheesy jokes. However, much to your disappointment, your professor has disabled the chat, withholding it from you like a forbidden fruit. Now you are forced to *actually* pay attention to the lecture (it turns out that that is what we’re actually supposed to do, who knew?).


Assigning 100+ Pages of Reading


For some reason, some professors assume that because we are studying online, we have more time to spare so they generously overload us with enough reading that would put War and Peace to shame. Between Zoom fatigue and trying to cope with living in a whole global pandemic, we just do not have time to be suffering through 50 book chapters and 20 articles every week.


Going Overtime


In this world of Zoom fatigue, those 15 minutes of respite in between classes are needed to step away from the screen you have been staring at for the past what-felt-like-20 years. When professors go overtime, we are robbed of the time we need to rejuvenate and resurrect ourselves before our next class. As an international student living 6 hours ahead of Boston, when I have back-to-back classes at night, those 15 minutes constitute my dinner time. Fifteen minutes barely gives me enough time to scoff down my dad’s homemade lasagna, so if professors could just not make it any harder by going overtime, that would be great.


Breakout Rooms


I don’t know about you, but breakout rooms are the bane of my very existence. Nothing on God’s green earth is more awkward than the moment after you and your classmates have arrived in your breakout room and you proceed to spend the next five minutes staring intently into each other’s eyes waiting for someone to initiate the conversation. Nothing makes my heart leap more than seeing the countdown window appear like my long-awaited saviour.


Scheduling Class on Wellness Days


Need I say more?


Zoom University certainly has its ups and downs, and sometimes our professors make those downs even lower. But in the end, we’re all figuring out this new virtual world together, and our professors would probably appreciate any feedback you can give them — after all, they’re people too! At the very least, always remember that the “leave meeting” button can be your best friend.

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The Ultimate Virtual Semester Bucket List


{shortcode-1dd5353ab09a25fa47eaecea66a324bc42278b72}Though you may still be on #holidaymode, you must face the reality that another semester of online learning has commenced. Our laptop screens have replaced the vibrant college life we’ve grown to love — we miss running into acquaintances, enjoying meals with large groups of people, and being a part of a bustling environment. To combat the nostalgia, let’s try to make this semester better than the last and complete a few virtual learning goals. Count how many items you can check off this learning enhancement bucket list!


✓ Set up a virtual study session.


Gone are the days you can pull up to Lamont Library with a study buddy, but now is your chance to stimulate a motivating working environment from wherever you are and break your horrendous, yet wonderful, Netflix binge-watching habit. Reach out to a group of friends, plan a time to get together (please don’t send a When2Meet), and send out a Zoom link. Whether you’re working (read: crying) on the same physics pset or writing completely different essays, don’t underestimate the simple presence of a friend.


✓ Attend office hours.


Pre-Covid-19, it was challenging to go to office hours because of meetings, extracurricular activities, and another million conflicts (“I missed the shuttle!”). However, now you have the opportunity to attend office hours from the comfort of your futon. If that isn’t enough to convince you, remember that the teaching team misses seeing students on a regular basis, so they would love to have a conversation with you even more than usual. Your professor’s advice, perspective, and expertise are only a few clicks away. In case you’re still hesitating, keep in mind that office hours might deter you from spending your whole day on TikTok.


✓ Hop into a random class.


Take advantage of the combination of our world-class education and high-tech era to learn from a new course, whether it’s within your concentration or on the other end of the academic spectrum. Immerse yourself in a specific era of American history, gain more knowledge about evolutionary biology, or learn about Shakespeare — now could be the time to tack on that random pass/fail class that you’ve been looking at since freshman fall! Because of the several different time zones and Zoom fatigue, student attendance rates are probably taking Ludacris’ song “How Low Can You Go” quite literally, so professors would be thrilled to see more people show up (though maybe email first to avoid any accidental Zoom-bombing). Zoom is your oyster!


✓ Go to virtual study breaks.


Whether the study break is planned by your entryway or organization, take some time away from your studies and stop by the event for a few minutes. We know that virtual study breaks aren’t as lively and interactive as in person, but it’s worth seeing different faces besides your professors’ and classmates’ every once in a while. This is a great opportunity for you to catch up with other students in your entryway, play a few games, and perhaps passionately vent about how three midterms in one week should be forbidden.


✓ Change your virtual background to a scenic photo during class.


Sure, airline ticket prices have been pretty low, but changing your virtual background to Machu Picchu, Cancun, or the Grand Canyon only costs you a few seconds. These are all great choices to spice up your backdrop since your lamp can surprisingly get dull, and they are lovely conversation starters during those awkward breakout room moments we are all too aware of. Feeling bold? Use a photo of your professor as your background. If they’re not amused, just zoom out of there real quick and blame it on the “unstable Internet connection.”


Though an online education certainly comes with challenges, there are still ways to stay engaged with faculty and classmates. So grab a few snacks and put on a pair of sweatpants, and you might just learn something new! Challenge your friends to see who can check off all the items on this bucket list first.

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What I Wish I Knew Before Living on Campus During a Pandemic


{shortcode-436c36a0ef49d281183b2a4f38acec15a36817f7}It’s undeniable that last semester was a roller coaster ride for most of us, but what semester of college isn’t? Except this time, we’re all wearing masks, sitting a few seats away from each other, and generally having the weirdest year possible. There are endless things that would’ve been helpful to know before coming to campus last semester, so hopefully my knowledge may make your next ride on the ~Crimson Roller Coaster~ a bit more smooth sailing. Obligatory disclaimer that I am but a measly freshman who has no experience with pre-pandemic campus life, so maybe take everything I say with a few grains of salt ;)


The Packing Dilemma: What if I need it though?


I didn’t pack just for a pandemic… I packed for World War 3, a hurricane, and the very likely chance that I would go broke as soon as I stepped foot on campus. Although my wallet was in serious pain by the end of the semester, I didn’t actually end up using many things that I had brought along with me... like all three of the bookbags I had packed. Maybe I knew that the Yard squirrels were fearless, to the point where they would gang up on me to steal my precious bag when I stepped outside. This epic battle didn’t happen though, so I never needed my other bags. Now that I’m more aware that college students like staying comfy (it’s PJ day everyday!), and that an iPad with Goodnotes (for sure superior to Notability) is essentially every school supply packed in one, I definitely would have brought less to my dorm.


Living in Dorms While Being Dead Inside


Did my roommate and I have enough fans to start our own fan club? Yes. Did we have a bunch of spare furniture that just sat there with a bag of M&Ms in a random drawer? Yes. The living spaces were plenty spacious, but the massive amounts of furniture made the space look dreary. Me, with my big brain, had not bought many decorations, as we were told to pack lightly and only bring the necessities (I followed this to a T only when it came to decorations 0.0) — Zoom fatigue was only made worse by staring at the plain walls of the common room. I wish I would have known this so I could have decorated the space to make it look more livable! LED lights, plenty of pictures, tapestries, and a more colorful rug than the plain brown one I had would have been perfect for the impossible task of making my Zoom fatigue disappear. tl;dr: Please bring some sort of decor, you're really going to need it.


Hanging Out, And Hanging In


I have no idea whether it was the pandemic’s doing (though let’s be real, it definitely was), but most of my socializing took place while eating six feet apart from all my closest pals. Although there were many “we should eat together sometime” instances that ended up going nowhere (as expected), there were also some that were very fulfilling (literally and figuratively, considering how full I was afterwards). It was also healthy to step out of my dreary dorm to go work on the Widener Library steps, in the Yard, or at the Smith Campus Center — the new on-campus hotspots for seeing friends. I wish I would have gone to the Smith Center and Cabot Library sooner though, especially as the weather got colder and it became impossible to study outside. Hopefully you find such warm study spots earlier in the semester than I did!


Though we may finally know who’s going to be on campus this semester, it still feels totally up in the air what our time in Cambridge will actually end up looking like. Either way, hopefully my ~experiences~ are helpful on your next Crimson Roller Coaster ride!

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How To Enjoy a Harvard Winter from Home


{shortcode-b92cad4eb4b62065f29ba6350e2a63662f7ef392}There’s a magical time at Harvard, when the temperature drops and the overpriced puffer coats and boots are finally brought out. This year, many of us may be enjoying this classic season from home, where things are probably a little different from the snow-covered (and tourist-covered) Yard we know and love. Don’t worry! With Flyby’s help, you can still enjoy a true Harvard winter from the comfort of your own home.


Studying for Classes


Being at home during the winter means no Lamont to serve as your study space for endless midterms. Fret not, you can recreate this same experience at home! Just sit at a table until 3 in the morning and feel terrible about yourself. Even without Lamont, you can still have those classic bags under your eyes and back pains to remind you that you’re probably not made to sit at the same desk for 10 hours without moving.


Wet Socks


Normally, this is around the time where you would be forgetting your boots and stepping in piles of wet snow in a pair of Vans. To enjoy this same experience, just dip some socks in cold water and put them on! Soon enough, you’ll be transported back to Harvard, cursing at yourself for forgetting your boots and wondering how long it takes to get trench foot.


Walking to the Dining Hall


Don’t you miss being able to put on all your winter clothes just for a short trek to the dining hall? At home, you can do the same! Just put on every item of winter clothing you don’t have stuck in storage. Then, walk outside in circles for a minute or two, and walk back inside, where you can begin eating. Alternatively, if you’re one of ~those people~, you can run outside in sandals and pretend that you don’t feel the cold since you’re “a different breed”. We get it. You’re originally from Massachusetts.


Eating at Tatte


Missing a nice warm drink from Tatte during this time of year? What if we told you that you could have Tatte right at home! Just take a $10 bill, burn it, and then make some avocado toast. Was it worth it? That’s for you to decide.


Canada Goose


What says Harvard winter more than Canada Goose? Time to wear one for absolutely no reason. If you don’t have one, just look up videos of them. That’s good enough, right?


Most of all, though, don’t forget to keep in touch with your classmates! Spending this winter at home may be rough, but soon you’ll be able to spend an absurd amount of time at all our favorite Cambridge restaurants once again. For those of you somewhere warmer, enjoy it while you can. Everyone else, well, stay warm.

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Harvard Movies and TV to Binge Before Classes Start


{shortcode-a3b35275355c569982be623caea9ce3e2d291ecd} The Harvard life truly isn’t the same as it once was, so try bringing Harvard to you! Enjoy this list of movies and TV shows that drop the H-bomb, some more than others, to remind you of your home away from home while we’re all desperately ignoring Shopping Week.


Gilmore Girls


Need a feel-good show to escape the reality that classes are starting soon? Try Gilmore Girls! The mother-daughter duo, Lorelai and Rory, are witty, smart, and dangerously caffeinated, and their extremely fast talking will leave you in awe. In the first three seasons, Rory dedicates her life to doing well at her preppy private school, working diligently with the hopes of getting into her dream college, Harvard. Best of all, after you’ve finished all seven seasons, there are four extra episodes on Netflix filmed ten years later!


The Social Network


Sure, The Social Network made it seem like a breeze to create a billion-dollar website from the comfort of a dorm room, while you’re still sporting your favorite Christmas pajamas. Follow Mark Zuckerberg as he hacks every House’s information, interacts with classmates (in person!!! without masks!!!), and obsessively talks about the social scene on campus. You’ll feel your heart pang every time a character drops some familiar Harvard lingo.


The Bachelorette


Drama. Comedy. Love. Bromance. The Bachelorette has it all! If you missed Tayshia’s season last month, watch it for free on the ABC app. You’ll laugh when Harvard alumnus Bennett was unable to spell “limousine” correctly or solve a basic subtraction problem, but you’ll also immediately take it back when you shamefully punch in “2 times 4” in a graphing calculator on your first spring semester pset. Indeed, the Bachelorette takes you on an emotional rollercoaster.


Friends From College


Friends From College is about a group of friends who met as college students at Harvard and are now entering their 40s. Together, they relive old memories, create new ones, and explore romantic relationships. At this point, there are very few differences between you and alumni: you also haven’t seen your companions in months and you all reminisce about the days on campus with nostalgic smiles.


The Kissing Booth 2


Who doesn’t love a Netflix teen movie with a predictable ending? The Kissing Booth 2 has the three key traits of a classic romcom: a love triangle, actors too old for their roles, and an ultimate obstacle that tests the main characters’ love for one another. You’ve probably already heard that this is a great movie to binge and cringe, but at the sight of the familiar Harvard brick walls, you’ll also feel some school pride. We recommend having some Veritaffles nearby to really help you feel like you’re living a normal life on campus.


Hopefully, you’ll get to see Harvard in person soon rather than through a screen — for now, binge on these shows and movies before a new semester begins.

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How to: Zoom the Holidays This Year


{shortcode-88d24b142671ed0e08aad9d09b2cd0838d239384}Jingle bells, I can’t smell, I have to wash my hands… Remember when we all thought life would be back to normal by now? What a time. But with the holidays creeping around the corner, it’s time to get into the festive mood and find some time to unwind. Although we may not be on Harvard’s campus together, there are still plenty of ways to stay connected (unless your Wi-Fi drops) during this jolly season!


Decorate Together


Holiday decorating is something to look forward to every year, but this year, share the joy through your Zoom screen! Take your friends on a tour of your house as you hang up your Christmas lights and wreaths. Share stories about your favorite Christmas tree ornaments, or even better, your favorite Christmas recipes (eggnog vs hot chocolate?). And if your friend doesn’t have any holiday decorations, let them annotate the screen so that they can decorate along with you!


Stream a Holiday Movie


This is a classic holiday festivity. Pick out a holiday movie to spend the night in with. Enjoy some hilarious commentary from your friends about blind spots in the film, or perhaps you’ll be brought to tears by the sight of people gathering to spend the holidays together. Wow remember when we could do that? Yea me neither. Either way, there are so many holiday classics out there, it’s hard to miss them: “Home Alone,” “Elf,” “It’s a Wonderful Life,” the list goes on. Hot take: is “Die Hard” a holiday movie or not? You decide.


Playlist Collab/Dance Party


The best part about the holiday season is, without question, the Christmas music. Sorry, it’s a fact. Now, you can share your favorite Christmas tunes with your friends! Start a collaborative playlist or a group listening session on Spotify, and jam out to the iconic Mariah Carey (note that she starts with “I don’t want a lot for Christmas” and then reveals she wants “you,” ouch). Each person can add a little of their own ~spice~ to the playlist for everyone else to enjoy. Show off your dance moves, your cozy pajamas, and your creative Christmas apparel, all in one fun virtual party setting!


Virtual Secret Santa


Virtual or not, a holiday party would not be complete with a gift exchange. Secret Santa can help recapture some remnants of spending the holidays with your friends, and while you won’t be able to see them in person, you can see their faces light up on the Zoom camera instead. You can use a gift exchange generator online (try Elfster!), then send each other presents, and pick a designated time to open gifts together at a virtual party event. Whether it be a physical gift package or a simple gift card, virtual Secret Santa is another classic way to stay in touch during this season.


Holiday Photo Booth


Probably the singular downside to photo booths was that it was impossible to squeeze everyone into one picture. Well, up your photo game with your ~months~ of Zoom expertise and take some creative group shots. You can even add photo booth props to better capture (hah) the experience: Santa hats, reindeer ears, colored lights, etc. If all else fails, Zoom filters and backgrounds can easily transform your screen to red-and-green galore. And the pictures will be easy to distribute to everyone as well!


Hopefully, these virtual holiday happenings will save some of the jolly spirit of the season. Mix and match different activities together for optimal fun! It’ll be a different Christmas this year, but let’s all make the most out of it. And don’t forget to sing some holiday carols! Deck the halls with sanitizer, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.

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What Is Your Alternate Ivy League School?


{shortcode-843ff423dfae8162780ae21da05983834e5babba}It’s that time of the year again! We’re deep into the season treasured more than any other by the overachieving high schoolers eventually accepted to the hype Harvard institution. College admission season is upon us, and this year it’s going to be wilder than ever. But imagine, Harvard doesn’t exist, and it never has. All of us currently attending Forbes’s number one school in the world definitely would have ended up at some other Ivy League establishment. Relive your pre-college glory days and find out where you would have ended up if the best college ever just didn’t exist. (Disclosure: Yale will not be displayed in your results because they only want to be us. There’s just no way they could exist without Harvard here to do everything first)


1. Where can you be found on a typical Monday at 1:07 a.m.?


A) Reviewing my stock portfolio.


B) In the library. Crying. And trying to dry the tear stains off my crumbled papers.


C) Sleeping, of course.


D) Doing math. Or coding. Or doing math while coding.


2. What’s your favorite family game night game?


A) Monopoly because I want to own the world.


B) Hardcore Operation.


C) Candy Land is pretty chill.


D) I like chess. IDK.


3. Choose a type of water.


A) Fiji


B) Brita


C) Refreshing Cambridge tap. Duh.


D) I don’t really drink water?


4. What Harvard building do you most identify with?


A) Littauer is the only relevant building so that one.


B) The Science Center isn’t the only building on campus?


C) I feel a spiritual connection with Boylston.


D) The one and only Maxwell Dworkin


5. Who’s the coolest?


A) Jordan Belfort!


B) Rosalind Franklin because she basically discovered how life works.


C) Shakespeare is a baller IMO


D) Elon Musk. Is that a hot take?


6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?


A) Yea, so as you know, I’m currently perfecting the usage of my superfluous vocabulary and implementing a technique through which I say a lot of seemingly important things that actually amount to meaningless extravagance. Peep me as a partner at my dream consulting firm or maybe even owning Wall Street in five years.


B) Ummm, I can barely see myself tomorrow, let alone in five years. My mountainous pile of psets has obstructed my entire view of life. If I make it through Chem 17 and actually get into med school, maybe we can talk, but I’m already late for something so bye.


C) I’ll probably be chilling. It’s not like my humanities classes are completely destroying my will to live, and I’m pretty sure my Ivy degree is going to help get me places. I’ll probably be at business school, divinity school, or pursuing the meaning of life in a remote mountainous location surrounded by Budhist monks in five years.


D) As Mark Zuckerberg.




Mostly As: You’ll be Cheering for William the Quaker Now


Your life would be almost as good at UPenn! Meaning, you’ll still be able to embrace your big snake, ec bro tendencies. After graduation, your fellow alums will include John Legend, Warren Buffet, and Willian Henry Harrison, so that’s kind of cool. Plus, the Wharton School of Business is right in your backyard. It’s no HBS, but we’ll all be settling in this parallel universe.


Mostly Bs: Looks like Roaree the Lion for You


Your love for science and debilitating premed tendencies could probably be satisfied at Columbia. You’ll have prime access to the beautifully named Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, and who doesn’t enjoy the idea of that? Alicia Keys and Timothée Chalamet will be in your alumni network, so maybe you can get famous if your dreams of medicine fade to nightmares.


Mostly Cs: Time for Bruno the Bear bb


You could probably be happy anywhere, but Brown might fill the Harvard humanities void. You’ll have some pretty fire donuts at your fingertips in Providence (at least that’s what they flex on their campus tours). And the ability to basically create your own requirements seems pretty appealing, too. One day, if you’re feeling brave, you’ll be able to hit up fellow alumna Emma Watson, and how cool is that?


Mostly Ds: Umm, Say Hi to the Cornell Bear Apparently


While you can no longer imagine yourself as the star of “The Social Network,” Cornell has your back. You might be missing out on the hustle and bustle of city life, but you’ll be surrounded by the beautiful scenery of Ithaca, New York. The Ivies aren’t especially famous for their tech programs, but Cornell looks like your best bet. Maybe you should have saved yourself from this quiz all together and gone to MIT, but here we are. At least you’ll get to share a college experience with Bill Nye the Science Guy!

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Flyby's 2020 Holiday Gift Guide


{shortcode-ab2c0b319ff873e97e540b0aea237111080bce9d}The smell of gingerbread is in the air and Bublé is crooning in the distance. You’re not sure whether the joy you feel is from it being the most wonderful time of the year or because 2020 is finally coming to an end. There’s just one problem: how to find that perfect thoughtful gift for your loved ones. While Mariah is right, we figured your gift recipients might want just a little bit more than you. With an eye for creative and heartwarming treats, Flyby has compiled the ultimate 2020 Holiday Gift guide just for you!


Sip Sip Away!


Stainless Steel Straws




Grasping at straws for gift ideas? Stainless steel straws are a steel — do your part for the environment without breaking the bank!


Veritaffles… At Home


Mini Waffle Maker




Whenever you step outside: brrrr. Whenever you step inside: Berg. Help your friends recreate the wonders of Berg brunch with this under-$10 waffle maker. After all, it’s butter than nothing!


Sweet Travels


Trader Joe’s Chocolate Passport




Still haven’t found the perfect gift for the traveler with a sweet tooth? Cut yourself some snack by grabbing the Chocolate Passport on your next TJ run for a bittersweet promise of all the adventures you’ll have together post-pandemic!


Food for Thought


Half Baked Harvest’s Comfort Food Cookbook




If you can’t get a good read on them beyond the fact that they love to cook, no need to pan-ic! This cookbook is sure to bake their day!


Music to Their Ears


Wooden Spotify Mixtape




This is one gift sure to hit the Spot(ify)! Show them you’re emotionally attuned by not only making them the perfect Spotify playlist but presenting it in a nostalgic video cassette sure to melt their heart. Five stars for being an unbeatable gift!


Note to Self


Personalized Note Blanket




Yet another notable gift sure to ignite all the warm fuzzies! Do the write thing by pouring your heart out on a personalized fleece blanket that will keep them cozy through the winter!


You’re Making Me Blush


Sephora’s Makeup Must-Haves




We couldn’t make this up if we tried — Sephora’s Makeup Must-Haves has everything your favorite beauty queen needs, and then some. Whether they’re a makeup newbie or a makeup guru, this gift is the perfect foundation upon which to build their beauty empire.


Spice Things Up


Periodic Table of Spices




You may already have chemistry with your favorite person, but you can continue to spice things up by gifting this Periodic Table of Spices! With the chili weather coming, we’ve got nothing but thyme to cook, and this spice kit will be perfect in a pinch when the relatives are cumin.


So Far, So Good


Bond Bracelets




Brace(let)-ing for some time apart from your loved one? Keep the bond going strong by reminding them they’re on your mind with taps to convey your love! After all, you know what they say: (social) distance makes the heart grow fonder!


They say the best present is your presence, but just because this holiday season may need to be socially distanced doesn’t mean you can’t still ~gift~ it your all!

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Graph of My Motivation Over Reading Period


{shortcode-f8ed904b9727d9ea70f6da998c5e8fdb214f4e92}‘Tis the season for... reading period! This year, reading period looks quite a bit different in more ways than one. I mean, who doesn't dream of studying for final exams in their childhood bedroom as they're being stared down by the five-foot horse poster that's been living on the wall ever since their horse girl phase in 2010? That's right, nobody. In any case, my motivation levels are all over the place, so hopefully you relate to this desperate cry into the void too.



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