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Don't Get in Daniel Oshima's Way

By Kate Leist, Crimson Staff Writer

With 41 varsity sports, it seems like every athlete at Harvard should be able to find his or her calling in the athletic department. But senior Daniel Oshima has looked for success in other places—and he’s found it.

Oshima, a member of the school’s club judo team, won a national title at the National Collegiate Judo Championship earlier this month in the 73kg division. Also making the trip to Colorado Springs was sophomore Amaury Berzin, who placed third among novices in the 81kg division.

Oshima, a native of Somerville, Mass. who practices at the Tohuku Judo Club, won the country’s top prize just a year after finishing third. The senior was also awarded the Outstanding Male Competitor prize and singlehandedly led the Crimson to a third-place finish among senior men’s teams.

Judo is a martial art that originated in Japan and became an Olympic sport in 1964. Although the sport’s name translates to “the gentle way,” it involves throws, pins, and even different choking techniques.

It seems that the sport may run in Oshima’s blood, as his older brother Michael ’09 took home a national title of his own at last year’s competition.

To read more about Oshima’s work with the Harvard Self Defense Club, check out this column, and look for a full feature on Oshima’s accomplishment next week!

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