
Dining on Sacred Cow

Right, Meet Left

April 22, 2013

In March 2010, a poll conducted by Harris revealed that 67 percent of Republicans surveyed thought President Obama a socialist, despite very ample evidence to the contrary. In light of this, the president has kept remarkably mum about his law school alma mater over the course of the last few years, lest he be tarred and feathered for association with the much-maligned “Kremlin on the Charles.”

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Why J Street?

April 08, 2013

This spring break, I brushed up against the limits of my category-phobia and confessed, rather happily, to being a J Streeter. After months of correspondence and flirtation with J Street U, the university arm of “the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans,” I attended a national summit in Washington, D.C. and was instantly sold.

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The Art of the True Crime Show

March 25, 2013

Fourteen seasons in, fatal patterns come into relief. Suspects under interrogation before minute 30 are never guilty; if the victim is a child, Detective Stabler will probably throttle someone against a wall. Though eminently watchable, SVU is at its core like all TV crime simulations: contrived, artless, grasping for straws.

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Iraq: The Deception at a Decade

March 04, 2013

Although nothing of a cheerleader for Obama administration foreign policy, I could not help but writhe with contempt over Beck’s newest outburst of on-air mania. Righteously incensed over the Benghazi boondoggle, the NATO intervention in the Libyan civil war, and the escalation of drone activity in South-Central Asia, partisan Republicans appear to have forgotten that 10 years ago, their own president sinned against America’s security on a far, far higher order.

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Beautify Harvard!

February 25, 2013

Unimpressed by the Princeton representative’s hokum and unconcerned about the absence of Gothic towers, I chose Harvard and haven’t regretted it for a moment. Contra Harvard haters, the last five semesters have graced me with generous financial assistance, faculty friendships, one- and three-student classes, and my share of unforgettable college nights.

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