
Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor Talks Justice, Civic Engagement at Radcliffe Day


Church Says It Did Not Authorize ‘People’s Commencement’ Protest After Harvard Graduation Walkout


‘Welcome to the Battlefield’: Maria Ressa Talks Tech, Fascism in Harvard Commencement Address


In Photos: Harvard’s 373rd Commencement Exercises


Rabbi Zarchi Confronted Maria Ressa, Walked Off Stage Over Her Harvard Commencement Speech


By Meredith H. Keffer
Hailing from a suburb of Chicago, sophomore goalie Laurel McCarthy has stepped into the starting role this season to great success. McCarthy, shown here in earlier action, collected 15 saves in net during the Crimson’s 11-8 loss to No. 11 Hartwick in the team’s home finale last Saturday.
Hailing from a suburb of Chicago, sophomore goalie Laurel McCarthy has stepped into the starting role this season to great success. McCarthy, shown here in earlier action, collected 15 saves in net during the Crimson’s 11-8 loss to No. 11 Hartwick in the team’s home finale last Saturday.

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