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1000 Protestors at M.I.T. Ask End to War Research

By Carol R. Sternhell

Over 1000 demonstrators rallied in the rain at M.I.T. yesterday afternoon, but tere were no occupation of administrative offices and no arrests.

Instead, demonstrators marched through the administration building to the Center for International Studies (CIS) and then on past the Instrumentation Labs, chanting and carrying a large NLF flag.

The demonstrators-led by the November Action Coalition (NAC), a coalition of about 25 Boston-area radical groups-called for immediate with-drawal from Vietnam, support of the NLF, and an end to war-related research.

The group met at Kresge Plaza outside M.I.T.'s student center at noon, and, after a short rally, inarched through the administration building to the CIS. the original target of yesterday's demonstration.

The CIS. as announced Monday night, was closed for the day, forestalling the NAC's plans for disruption. No attempt was made to enter the building.

Instead, demonstrators-who called the CIS closure a victory-read an indictment of the Center from the "People's Revolutionary Grand Jury and Tribunal."

Plans originally called for the occupation of offices in the administration building. But when the NAC returned to that building from the CIS, occupation was voted down.

NAC leaders generally felt that the call for a vote was a mistake. "Occupation had already been decided upon." one spokesman said. "There was no need to vote again." Those voting against the occupation were largely members of M.I.T.'s Science Action Coordinating Committee (SACC), a group which supports the NAC demands but is regarded as more moderate.

At a mass meeting of over 600 demonstrators in the M.I.T. Student Center late last night, members of the November Action. Coalition discussed the effects of yesterday's actions and their plans for today's demonstrations.

NAC leaders indicated that today's protests, tentatively, scheduled to center around the M.I.T. I-Labs, will increase the level of militancy in the four day action.

The first demonstration is expected to begin at 6:15 a.m. today outside the I-Lab No. 5 where principal research. on the MIRV missile system is conducted. At 3 a.m. this morning it appeared that demonstrators would agree to set up "obstructive pickets" around three gates and two entrances to the laboratories, but final plans were still uncertain.

Other proposed actions, however, call for returning to many of the sites of yesterday's protests.

The Center for International Studies and the administration offices, both closed during yesterday's demonstrations, will operate today on a normal basis, M.I.T. officials announced yesterday evening.

Earlier in the day, as NAC marched toward the CIS, about 500 demonstrators led by SACC descended on the administration offices of the second floor of the main building. Kenneth Wadleigh, vice-president of the university, explained that President Howard W. Johnson was not in his office.

After some futile discussion with Wadleigh and with provost Jerome Wiesner, most of the group left the corridor outside Johnson's office. About 175 SACC members gathered in the lobby of the building and listened to speakers while the rest went on to the CIS.

The projects which NAC is demanding be shut down include the Cambridge Project, the Com-Com Project, and the International Communism Project at the CIS: research on MIRV and on a stabilization system for helicopters at the I-Labs: and work on the ABM and the Moving Target Indicator radar system at Lincoln Lab.

SACC-which held its own rally yesterday morning at 10 a.m.-announced last Friday its support of the NAC demands. but added that no change will "come through the violent, although heroic, actions of a few."

Loudspeakers had been set up on the roots of both the CIS and the administration building yesterday, and the text of the court injunction obtained against the demonstrators Monday morning was read from both places.

The injunction effective until Friday morning, forbids the NAC from "employing force or violence... damaging or defacing facilities... converting documents to their own use... congregating within buildings to disrupt or interfere with normal functions conducted by M.I.T.... [and] inciting or counseling others to do any of these acts".

John G. S. Flym. attorney for the NAC, contested the validity of the injunction in court yesterday, but the case was dismissed.

Flym attempted to obtain a temporary restraining order to prevent M.I.T. from enforcing the injunction, arguing that the suit was not valid because it depended upon the assumption that the demonstration would be violent and there was no indication that this would be so. The injunction. Flym said, branded all demonstrators as troublemakers, "chilling" their constitutional rights of free assembly.

However, Judge Thomas J. Spring, who signed the original order, refused to hear the case in the Middlesex County Superior Court.

Flym then went to the Federal District Court where he filed suit naming Johnson as the respondent both personally and as an M.I.T. representative, Judge W. Arthur Garrity Jr. heard the case at 2:30 p.m., but dismissed it on the grounds that an extremely unusual situation was required before a Federal court would overrule the state injunction.

At Harvard, about 50 students gathered on the steps of (??)Mem Church at 11 a.m., planning to march to M.I.T. But, because of the pouring rain and small numbers, they divided into groups and went over by buses and subway.

By noon, 1000 people had gathered at Kresge Plaza, chanting "Power to the people," "Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh, NLF is gonna win," and "End war research," and carrying signs and NLF flags.

NAC demonstrators included various Boston groups, M.I.T.'s Rosa Luxemburg. SDS, and the Weathermen, who agreed to adhere to the majority decision although they generally favor more militant action.

Opposed to the demonstrators were about ten members of Harvard and M.I.T. Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) who held signs reading "Bust SDS pigs" and "SDS-SS."

Also opposed was M.I.T. SDS-a group whose philosophy is based on that of the Worker-Student Alliance caucus of last year's SDS, Harvard SDS voted Sunday to take no official position on the NAC actions.

"The demonstrations against the I-Labs cannot turn out to be anything but an attack on the workers there." an SDS leaflet read. "We completely dissociate ourselves from the November Action Coalition and especially from the Weathermen faction within it."

Earlier yesterday morning the M.I.T. faculty met and reaffirmed its support of Johnson.

At this point rain began again and everyone headed for Building Seven, the main administration building. A 15-minute march through the building's winding corridors-chanting "Get off your ass, get out of class, end war research" and "John Brown, live like him, dare to struggle, dare to win" -ended with the demonstrators about a block away from the CIS.

Outside the CIS about 50 faculty and student members of the M.I.T. political science department and of the CIS stood in a "vigil for free speech."

"We support full discussion of the problem of war-related research," their statement read. "We affirm the right to non-violent political demonstrations on the campus."

"We deplore the closing of any building at M.I.T." the statement continued. "We oppose the use or the threat of the use of violence as a means for the promotion of change within the university."

The demonstrators read an "indictment and permanent restraining order" against four CIS members: Max Milikan, the Center's director; Lucien Pye; Ithiel de Sola Pool; and William P. Bundy.

At 2 p.m. the CIS group-about 700 strong-returned to the administration building and joined SACC in the rotunda. Outside Johnson's office were a small group of students and faculty members and several M.I.T. policeman. No Cambridge police were present.

After the group voted-first not to occupy the offices, and then not to occupy the corridors-they left and marched to instrumentation Lab Five at 45 Osborne St. Five uniformed MDDC police and several plainclothesmen were seen just inside the door-57 MDC police were reportedly assiged to Cambridge.

The group returned to the student center at 4 p.m., and about 600 spent the night there, watching films, listening to music, and planning today's strategy. Factions from various colleges held their own meetings before the full NAC tactics meeting which stretched well into the early morning hours.

Apples, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and hot dogs were distributed free, and some students went out to recruit more for this morning's picket line.

"This afternoon the Movement came to M.I.T. in force, an NAC statement distributed last night reads. "We have closed down the CIS and served notice on the M.I.T. administration that further, stronger actions are on the way in the days ahead."

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