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Seen and Heard: Hundreds Protest Grand Jury Decision

Dozens of students from Cambridge Ringe and Latin School and Harvard University lay in the street to protest the shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, by Ferguson policeman Darren Wilson. The walk-out began at 1:01 pm, the time at which Brown was shot, on Monday afternoon.
Dozens of students from Cambridge Ringe and Latin School and Harvard University lay in the street to protest the shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, by Ferguson policeman Darren Wilson. The walk-out began at 1:01 pm, the time at which Brown was shot, on Monday afternoon.
By The Crimson Photo Staff, Crimson Staff Writer

Hundreds of Harvard affiliates and Cambridge Ringe and Latin School students marched Monday in protest of the recent grand jury decision not indict a white police offer who shot and killed a black teenager in Ferguson, Mo., this summer.

Students from a number of graduate schools—including the Graduate School of Education, the Kennedy School of Government, and the Divinity School— first joined Law School students shortly after noon outside of Wasserstein Hall to rally together in protest and hear from student and faculty speakers, many of whom had visited Ferguson recently.

Protestors with their hands up in deference to the chant "Hands up, don't shoot." Students gathered from the Graduate School of Education and Harvard Law School to march from Gutmann Library to HLS on Monday at noon.
Protestors with their hands up in deference to the chant "Hands up, don't shoot." Students gathered from the Graduate School of Education and Harvard Law School to march from Gutmann Library to HLS on Monday at noon. By Anneli L. Tostar
Students from the Graduate School of Education marched from Gutman Hall to Harvard Law School in protest of the Ferguson verdict on Monday, at one point blocking traffic.
Students from the Graduate School of Education marched from Gutman Hall to Harvard Law School in protest of the Ferguson verdict on Monday, at one point blocking traffic. By Anneli L. Tostar
Protesters marching with their hands up from the Graduate School of Education to Harvard Law School in on Monday at noon.
Protesters marching with their hands up from the Graduate School of Education to Harvard Law School in on Monday at noon. By Anneli L. Tostar
Protesters gather in front of the Law School's Wasserstein Hall for a rally on Monday at noon.
Protesters gather in front of the Law School's Wasserstein Hall for a rally on Monday at noon. By Anneli L. Tostar
Michele Hall, a student at the Law School, holds a sign protesting the verdict in Ferguson, Mo. Protesters gathered from the Graduate School of Education and the Law School on Monday at noon.
Michele Hall, a student at the Law School, holds a sign protesting the verdict in Ferguson, Mo. Protesters gathered from the Graduate School of Education and the Law School on Monday at noon. By Anneli L. Tostar
Vice Mayor of Cambridge Dennis Benzan addresses protesters gathered in Harvard Square with prepared remarks in support if equal treatment before the law.
Vice Mayor of Cambridge Dennis Benzan addresses protesters gathered in Harvard Square with prepared remarks in support if equal treatment before the law. By Crimson staff
Dennis Benzan, vice mayor of Cambridge, spoke to protesting students from Cambridge Ringe and Latin School on Monday afternoon, standing in support of their school walk-out.
Dennis Benzan, vice mayor of Cambridge, spoke to protesting students from Cambridge Ringe and Latin School on Monday afternoon, standing in support of their school walk-out. By Sarah Reid
Dozens of students from Cambridge Ringe and Latin School and Harvard University lay in the street to protest the shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, by Ferguson Policeman Darren Wilson. The walk-out began at 1:01 pm, the time at which Brown was shot, on Monday afternoon.
Dozens of students from Cambridge Ringe and Latin School and Harvard University lay in the street to protest the shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, by Ferguson Policeman Darren Wilson. The walk-out began at 1:01 pm, the time at which Brown was shot, on Monday afternoon. By Sarah Reid
Cambridge Rindge and Latin students, led by their student body president Sydney Fisher and student organizer Mary Gashaw, protested racial inequality and injustice on Monday afternoon in Harvard Square.
Cambridge Rindge and Latin students, led by their student body president Sydney Fisher and student organizer Mary Gashaw, protested racial inequality and injustice on Monday afternoon in Harvard Square. By Sarah Reid
A group of protesters, mainly composed of Law School students, pose with their hands up in front of the John Harvard Statue on Monday afternoon to stand in solidarity with Ferguson protesters.
A group of protesters, mainly composed of Law School students, pose with their hands up in front of the John Harvard Statue on Monday afternoon to stand in solidarity with Ferguson protesters. By Sarah Reid
Dozens of students from Cambridge Ringe and Latin School and Harvard University lay in the street to protest the shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, by Ferguson policeman Darren Wilson. The walk-out began at 1:01 pm, the time at which Brown was shot, on Monday afternoon.
Dozens of students from Cambridge Ringe and Latin School and Harvard University lay in the street to protest the shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, by Ferguson policeman Darren Wilson. The walk-out began at 1:01 pm, the time at which Brown was shot, on Monday afternoon. By Sarah Reid
Dozens of students from Cambridge Ringe and Latin School and Harvard University lay in the street to protest the shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, by Ferguson policeman Darren Wilson. The walk-out began at 1:01 pm, the time at which Brown was shot, on Monday afternoon.
Dozens of students from Cambridge Ringe and Latin School and Harvard University lay in the street to protest the shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, by Ferguson policeman Darren Wilson. The walk-out began at 1:01 pm, the time at which Brown was shot, on Monday afternoon. By Sarah P Reid

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