Hopes and Hypocrisies

By Vanessa B. Hu

Summer-Camp Sadness: Meditations on Friend-Making

The panic has begun.

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It’s Okay To Do Less

When one of my professors showed us the term “moral masochism,” I felt like it perfectly encapsulated an ethos I’ve seen at Harvard.

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Shedding our Application Selves: A Letter to the Class of 2027

“A true humanist.” That’s what they said she was — or at least, what they said about her college application. Perhaps it was how she found comfort in the absurdism of Camus’ The Stranger, or her intrigue in the Tajik Persian language, or intention to address American isolationism by creating culturally-sensitive translation technologies. Compassionate and introspective, she appeared to be a talented writer.

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Let’s Dance Together! Bridging Cultural Siloes on Campus

I like to dance. But I have been met with amused bafflement at my two dance-related decisions on campus, from friends and strangers alike: one, my recent choice to join Candela, Harvard’s Latin social dance group, and two, the fact that I have not once been in the Asian-American Dance Troupe since I “seem like I’d be in AADT.”

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Work It Like Gen Z

I’ll admit: It’s heartwarming to see the found families formed in workplace dramas, from “The Office” to “Brooklyn 99.” Who wouldn’t want a boss like Michael Scott?

But in real life? I don’t want that. After a few internships in big tech, where I felt overextended to the detriment of my own well-being, I now am content not draining myself of my passion, goodwill, and time for a company driven by profit and self-interest, no matter how many free lattes they give me or how “friendly” or “family-like” the culture is.

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