Occupational Therapy

By Julian B. Gewirtz

The Writing’s Not on the Wall

In an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, Harvard Professor Robert C. Darnton ’60 described what he viewed as a remarkable and widespread belief in China today: According to a list that has been circulated widely on the internet in China and published in book form, Harvard’s libraries contain 20 inspirational sayings and fearsome injunctions written on their walls. The list includes exhortations to study hard, promising rewards including great wealth, happy matrimony, and all-purpose “success,” including, “Please enjoy the unavoidable suffering."

I missed that one the last time I walked into Widener.

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The Rise of China

Principles of Economics. Introduction to Computer Science. Classical Chinese Ethical and Political Theory. What do these three courses have in common? They’re the three highest enrolled classes at Harvard this semester.

But, as they used to sing on Sesame Street, one of these things is not like the others.

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Careers with Chinese Characteristics

Has Horace Greeley’s famous injunction to young Americans in the 19th century—“Go West, young man”— been revised in the opposite direction in the 21st century? In January, a New York Times op-ed declared: “Go East, Young Man,” and many at Harvard seem to be responding.

Students at Harvard are studying Chinese, spending summers interning in Beijing and Shanghai, and taking coursework on related topics (for example, Michael J. Puett’s course on classical Chinese philosophy is currently the College’s third most popular class, with over 500 enrollees this fall). Everywhere we look, our politicians and our teachers are encouraging us to prepare for a future of engagement with China. In 2009, President Barack Obama pledged to send 100,000 American students to China.

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Literary Agency

If you search online for the term “starving writer,” Google returns over 8 million results—about the same as a search for “English bull terrier.”  This may not come as much of a surprise: after all, it’s a dog-eat-dog world.

Clearly, the figure of the starving writer occupies an important place in our culture. This figure represents the intense, painful pursuit of a passion over material concerns. Writing doesn’t pay; his hunger is proof of his authenticity.

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Passion Versus Paycheck

Last week, a Harvard senior—let’s call her Sofia—was having coffee with two friends who had just accepted their summer job offers at big companies in New York. She wants to work in theater or arts management, and one friend noticed the worried look that darkened Sofia’s face when her friends mentioned their jobs.

“Don’t worry,” Sofia remembered her soon to be high-paid friend saying. “You’re following your passion!

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