Psychologists Shine a Light on Occupy Movement

Walking or driving past William James Hall, passersby can now see more than a concrete eyesore. Bright Christmas lights and reused psychology conference posters spell out the word "OCCUPY" in large letters through the seventh story window of the academic building on Kirkland Street.
Members of the psychology department's Vision Sciences Laboratory created what they call a "holiday display" to show their solidarity with the Occupy movement in Harvard Yard and worldwide.
"After the [Occupy Harvard] rally on Wednesday, we put one of their red signs in a window," said Justin A. Jungé '03, a post-doc in the lab. "People looked up, but it wasn't big enough. We wanted something people could see."
Construction on the lighted display began at 9 p.m. on Tuesday—but only after the faculty, fellows, grad students, and undergrads in the lab voted in favor of the message. A group of seven post-docs and graduate students worked until 2 a.m. cutting up old research project posters and stringing 600 lights to outline the letters.
"William James Hall is a good location for the sign because the lights can be seen from a distance," Professor Ken Nakayama said. "We hope to set a positive example to Occupies all over the country and the world."
How long with the sign remain? "Probably as long as the Occupy movement is going on," Jungé said.