
Mary G. Gotschall

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Germany's Heartbreak Kid

T HE FRENCH HAVE a word for people with an uncanny knack for getting along: they call them debrouillards. Maria

Taking Sides in a Circle

B ERTOLT BRECHT is one of those playwrights about whom there can be no equivocation. In his plays, like it

The Dawn Duel: Blueberries At Ten Paces

Six-thirty a.m.--an ungodly hour in anyone's estimation, but especially so on a Saturday morning. Not even Elsie's is open. Birds

Bok Writes Open Letter About Gifts, Draws Fire for Kirkland House Speech

President Bok's after-dinner speech at last Thursday's Kirkland House senior dinner apparently raised the hackles of more than one guest

It Won't Work

P RESIDENT CARTER'S decision to decontrol the price of oil before the 1981 deadline set by law makes the worst

A Big Hot Mama With Blue Suede Shoes

G IGOLOS are perhaps not the stuff of which musical comedies are made of. But Rogers and Hart manage to

Chez Adams and the Great Dining Hall Mystery

The parslied carrot spears glistened appetizingly before my eyes. I was hard-put deciding between the baked bluefish almondine or roast

Faster Than a Speeding Bullet

B ACK in the mid-sixties pop art made its debut on the American scene; all the most ludicrous examples of

On the Air

Ever had a craving for a tune called "Go Mental," by The Ramones? Some evening, would you really get into