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By Gwen Thomas

On Planned Parenthood

A Planned Parenthood doctor was secretly taped casually discussing the harvesting, and possibly selling, of aborted baby’s organs. Chatting over a salad and wine, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the organization’s senior director of medical services, graphically describes how doctors can “crush” the right parts of the body during the abortion procedure in order to preserve some of the organs, and considers offering a “menu” of baby body parts to interested parties. She also describes a partial-birth abortion and says, “The federal abortion ban is a law…and laws are up to interpretation.”

The nonchalant discussion of these details is enough to make anyone’s stomach churn, but reactions from the liberal media are a garbled mess of mockery at conservatives’ alarm. A writer from Cosmopolitan said, “I’m just going to yawn.” Democrats like Rep. Barbara Lee dismissed the video, saying the Center for Medical Progress (the pro-life group that created the video) has been “attacking Planned Parenthood for years.”

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Who Should Control Birth Control?

Imagine the pill, available over the counter, any brand you want, any time you want, at your local CVS or Walgreens. Imagine the pill, about as easy enough to pick up at the store as, say, condoms.

We’ve known for a while now that birth control pills are safe for use without a prescription. In 2012 the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists endorsed the idea, releasing a report saying that not only were women qualified to conduct self-screenings for birth control pills, but also that much of the testing associated with obtaining a prescription for pills wasn’t medically necessary.

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