Harvard Sells is Back


Trying to get rid of an old futon? Just got a housing upgrade and need to fill that extra space? Normally the process of buying and selling used furniture is a pain, but fortunately the website Harvard Sells is back in time to make the senior sale season a much more organized experience.

The site, founded last year by Keito Uchiyama '11, features numerous items for sale: chairs, lamps, old clothes, and even Victoria's Secret body spray. Harvard Sells aims to give students the opportunity to buy and sell from people in the same community while offering a level of security and trust lacking in other sites.

"It's rewritten and completely new," Uchiyama said. "I wanted to make it easy to buy and sell [used items]." He said he was inspired to make and revamp the site after noticing that Facebook albums and emails were inefficient.

Sellers can go to the website and import their senior sale Facebook album. The site will find the prices from the descriptions, and the seller can choose whether they want to sell at a fixed price or auction off their item.

Potential buyers can browse the site and find items that interest them. If it's being sold at a fixed price, they can simply contact the seller, whose email is listed in the item description. If it's an auction, buyers can bid up on the item until the auction is over—a process similar to eBay's auction system.

"I'd like people to experience for themselves the fun of auctions," Uchiyama said.

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