
Harvard in the World



Eric Balderas '13 (left), University President Drew G. Faust, and Illinois Senator Richard J. Durbin discuss the DREAM Act at the U.S. Capitol.

Harvard in the World

The Real Mark Zuckerberg

Hollywood’s latest attempt to depict Harvard is the upcoming movie “The Social Network.” The movie has gotten a chilly reception from one Harvard graduate and former Crimson Associate Managing Editor Rebecca D. O’Brien ’06. In an article on The Daily Beast, O’Brien recalls her time with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, while they were both undergraduates in Kirkland House.

Harvard in the World


Get a Job

Recruiters Think Big (State Schools)

Despite a seemingly bleak job market, a recent Wall Street Journal survey of 479 companies revealed that recruiters hired over 43,000 grads in the previous year.

Harvard in the World

'Homeless to Harvard' Protagonist Releases Memoir

The real-life protagonist of “Homeless to Harvard" has released a memoir, which chronicles her assent from the streets of the Bronx to the sanctuary of Harvard Yard.

Harvard in the World

Harvard Chaplains Support Park51

The Harvard Chaplains, the umbrella organization of chaplains at the University, announced their support on Wednesday for the proposed Park51 mosque and community center—which would be built two blocks away from Ground Zero—in a statement posted on their website.

Harvard in the World

Call Out the Lawyers: Harvard Business Review is Being Sued

In August, Jonathan Lee Riches, a federal inmate who described himself as "also known as Bernard Madoff," filed an appeal to a case first dismissed in October 2009.

Harvard in the World

BRIEF: Federal Appeals Court Issues Stay that Maintains Flow of Funds for Human Stem Cell Research

An appeals court opened the door for federal funding for research on human embryonic stem cells to continue yesterday after a lower court had prohibited the government from funding such research.

Harvard in the World

Alumnus Leads Trip To Return Solar Panel to White House

Armed with a biodiesel van, a 31-year-old solar panel, and a historic mission, Harvard affiliates and eco-friendly enthusiasts gathered at the Park Street School in Beacon Hill yesterday morning as part of a four-day road trip to the White House.

Harvard in the World

HBS Grad Hoarding Web Domains

A Harvard Business School grad is making big bucks by selling online domain names after the web address ".co" was handed over to him by the Colombian government

Student Life


Four students travel the globe to try out the life of the professional artist

Harvard Law School

Tenenbaum To Appeal Again

The legal saga involving Boston University graduate student Joel Tenenbaum’s illegal file-sharing continued late last month after his legal team—led by Law School Professor Charles R. Nesson—filed a notice that they would further appeal the fine levied against him.

Harvard in the World

Drop the H-Bomb, Land Some Chicks

Sometimes, it can seem so hard for students at Harvard to find relationships. We certainly love to complain about it. But now, a new website is here to help…some of us.

Harvard in the World



Five Years Later, Katrina Stays in Focus

Five years had passed since Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, but a group of students from universities across the nation had only four weeks to document the remnants of the devastation and rebuilding efforts in the city.
