
Jordan Schreiber

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The Vision Thing

Q uietly and without warning, while Americans concentrated on the horserace politics surrounding the North American Free Trade Agreement, President

The NAFTA Debate's Quiet Bigotry

W hen Ross Perot addressed an NAACP audience as "you people" last year, the nation's newsrooms echoed with charges of

Mindless Moralizing

I t's tempting to respond with rational arguments to Professor Harvey Mansfield's recent diatribe against homosexuals. But to do so

The Perils of Ignoring an F.O.B.

P resident Clinton obviously doesn't recognize a friend when he sees one. Judge Terry Hatter Jr. has given Clinton a

Health Care Debate: A Done Deal

T hough the difficult battle still lies ahead, President Clinton has already won the health care war. Now it's up

Total Recall

It's easy to enter an intellectual coma on the last day of exams (or even earlier) and sleep through the

Stonecypher's Suit of Sour Grapes

I don't know Mark Stonecypher, but I'm sure I knew people like him in high school: driven, hardworking, fiercely competitive

Learning From Hillary

D on't write off the Clinton presidency as a failure yet. The Comeback Kid still has a few more political

Shaping 'New Democratic' Illusions

A s pundits eagerly prepare to trash Bill Clinton's first hundred days in office, the most vociferous criticism probably will