An Affordable Escape from HUHDS

Foodies rejoice! Boston Restaurant Week is here at last. Whether you're simply tired of eating dining hall food or a full-fledged gourmand, take advantage of some of the fantastic dining opportunities available March 6-11 and 13-18.
Restaurants participating in Restaurant Week, many of which are typically well out of the average student's price range, will be offering prix fixe menus at a fraction of their typical cost. No matter which restaurant you choose, a two-course lunch is $15.11, a three-course lunch is $20.11, and a three-course dinner is $33.11.
Escape from Lamont to any of the 22 participating restaurants in Cambridge, indluding Rialto, Harvest, and Chez Henri. For those ambitious enough to leave the Square, use this deal to dine at some of Boston's top restaurants, such as L'Espalier, No. 9 Park, and Meritage at student-friendly prices.
Wherever you choose to go, make sure to make reservations early as these restaurants will fill up quickly. Bon appétit!