Puppets Go Wild in Currier

In the trailer for its upcoming production, The Currier House Drama Society warns audiences that the show is "RATED R for political incorrectness, full puppet nudity, and schadenfreude."
Wait, puppet nudity? That's right. This weekend, Currier presents "Avenue C"—a take-off on the popular Broadway musical about raunchy Muppet-style characters, "Avenue Q."
Kristin N. Rose '12, one of the show's producers, said that "Avenue C" is "an equal opportunity offender. It's incredibly funny; it's incredibly offensive—and you don't get to see that all the time."
The Drama Society has modified parts of the script and some song lyrics in order to make them more relavent to Harvard life.
The show will be performed in the Currier Fishbowl on April 29 and April 30 at 7:30 p.m. and on May 1 at 1 p.m. To reserve a free ticket, email currierdramasociety@gmail.com.