Stop Studying and Watch TV

Midterms are upon us, and for every 15-page research paper on the history of Western Civilization, ridiculously difficult math hourly, and tongue-twisting Spanish speaking test, what better way to not study than to watch some brain stimulating, titillating television shows! The next time you find yourself in a strategically isolated cubicle at Lamont, whip out those headphones and check out these 10 funky, funny, and fresh shows. Trust us, this’ll be more entertaining than Facebook.
1. " Summer Heights High" (HBO)
If you haven’t heard of Chris Lilley, imagine combining the comedic genius of the entire "Saturday Night Live" cast with a seriously sassy Australian accent (just like that FIPper you met the other day), and you’ve got yourself the creator, director, and star of the hilarious “Summer Heights High”. Lilley essentially is the entire cast, playing three different characters in a New Zealand high school, from a ridiculously narcissistic private-turned-public schoolgirl to a misfit who has a penchant for drawing male genitalia in public to an incredibly flamboyant drama teacher. Remember, Lilley is a thirty-eight year old man.
2. " Fresh Meat" (Channel 4)
This British Channel 4 comedy is exactly as it sounds—FRESH MEAT. Ok, well barring the meat, you have a bunch of “fresh” university students packed into one ramshackle house for their semester at Manchester Medlock University. The students’ personalities are prime: military-grunge, indifferent to the world Vod, optimistic good girl (with a crazy drug streak) Josie, and questionably old Scotsman Howard are just a few of the motley crew. Drama and hilarity ensues as awkward romances, fights, and friendships develop.
3. " River Monsters" (Animal Planet)
Looking for a real-time, documentary-style reality show? From fish to guts to Jeremy Wade, "River Monsters" has got it all. Yes, this Animal Planet program is not for the faint of heart, but who doesn’t want to see a middle-aged salt-and-pepper Brit hoist up a gigantic pregnant sting ray or wade knee-deep in piranha-infested waters? From his epic journey across the Amazon River to catch a glimpse of impossibly sized catfish to his search across Europe for the mythical Loch Ness Monster, “River Monsters” is definitely a catch. P.S. Can he come to the Charles River?
4. " Australia’s Next Top Model" (FOX)
Don’t even bother watching “America’s Next Top Model,” because down under, they do it twenty times bigger. Boys and girls alike should watch the Aussie version of this show, not solely for its typical editorial photo-shoots, ridiculous Eleganza-esque shows, and crazy challenges, but also for its incredibly lax censorship. A wise man once said, models may be beautiful, but they have filthy mouths.
5. "Homeland" (Showtime)
You already know that you should watch this show, so I’ll just give you one exceptional reason to get on the Brody train: Mandy Patinkin’s beard. Enough said.
6. "Skins" (U.K. version)
“Skins” is the classic British coming-of-age drama chronicling the struggles and successes of various teenagers living in Bristol, England. You’ll meet characters like Tony (Nicholas Hoult), the exceptionally good-looking and intelligent party boy, Pandora (Lisa Blackwell), the donut loving and incredibly naïve schoolgirl, and Alo (Will Merrick), the flaming ginger with a passion for dub step and cut-off shorts.
7. "Awkward" (MTV)
The name of the show says it all. Although high school student Jenna Hamilton is a train wreck most of the time—from an accidental slip in the bathroom that gets misconstrued as an attempted suicide, to seeing her guidance counselor hook up with her teacher—she always manages to pull through. So next time you find yourself in a sticky predicament, before you call mom or HUPD, just think, WWJD? (What Would Jenna Do?)
8. "Sleepy Hollow" (FOX)
This is your typical fantasy-history-mystery-drama-witchcraft show. Who knew Ichabod Crane could be so cool not to mention incredibly good-looking? (Mad props to Washington Irving and that random Expos reading that taught us who Washington Irving was!) The bizarre combination of modern day Westchester, New York and 18th century America witchcraft and apocalyptic fantasy somehow works as a police drama. Tune in if you’re about that headless horseman life.
9. "Shameless" (U.S. version)
“Shameless” is the R-rated "Cheaper By the Dozen." Main character Frank Gallagher (William H. Macy) is the Steve Martin of his clan, except for the fact that Gallagher is just about the worst parent you could think of. He’s an alcoholic, a raging drug addict, and a jobless money swindler—essentially UHS’s nightmare—and it’s up to his oldest daughter Fiona (Emmy Rossum) to take care of the family. The show is set in a crumbling south side Chicago house with Gallagher and his six children; what better way to capture the family dynamic?
10. "Elementary" (CBS)
With so many television and movie versions of Sherlock Holmes, you’d expect the Phoenix’s next party theme to be slutty Sherlock. Regardless, “Elementary” is CBS’s take on a modern-day Sherlock, and it’s brilliant. Bonus: Dr. Watson (Lucy Liu) in this version is female, and we just can’t help but think about those kick-ass images from her not-too-distant "Charlie’s Angels" days.