Which Lil Yachty or Wale Song are You?

Forget Buzzfeed quizzes. Get ready for Yardfest by answering the crucial question: which Lil Yachty or Wale song are you?
1) It’s Friday night, and shocker, you’re at a party. But things are getting dry. What would save this night for you?
a) Some good tea (she did what?!)
b) Some gluten-free rice crackers
c) Someone to set up beer pong so you can show off your skillz
d) Honestly, I have vodka so this isn’t too rough
e) A hot tub—what is this, some lame broke-college-student party? Let’s step it up
2) Your ideal mate is:
a) A good listener—you’ve got a lotta juice to spill and you need someone you can trust
b) Fit—someone to make #gainz with
c) Confident—someone who can step into a room and own it (just as long as you still own it more)
d) Easygoing—someone who you can just kick it back with
e) Adventurous—someone who will just hop on a plane and jet off with you
3) What is the ultimate dealbreaker for you?
a) Not being able to keep a secret
b) Being a couch potato—if you’re sitting on your butt, I’m dumping your butt
c) Always needing to be the center of attention—there can only be one star and it’s me
d) Always stirring the pot—take your drama and leave
e) Being cheap—money isn’t everything but it lowkey is
4) Oh no, you didn’t do so well on your last p-set. What do you do?
a) My oh my, what big ears I have—a little bit of listening to some answers for the next pset never hurt anybody
b) Hit the gym—when things don’t work out, work out
c) Get your section squad together so you can throw some shade at your TF—it’s like therapy but free
d) Nothing—Cs get degrees
e) Slide your TF a few bucks
5) Why do your friends love you?
a) You know everything—your friends can always count on you to know what’s up
b) You provide that much-needed health and fitness inspo
c) You’re the life of the party & always know how to have a good time
d) You’re the only non-extra one in the squad—your friends can always count on you to keep it real
e) You have the funds—weekend trip to Cabo? I think yes
If you got mostly As you’re: "iSpy" - Lil Yachty
Is there anything you don’t know? You make it your mission to know everything about everything, and your boundless well of knowledge always seems to come in handy. Nothing can get by you—be on the lookout for an offer from the CIA.
If you got mostly Bs you’re "Broccoli" - Lil Yachty
Chances are, you’re probably the resident health geek of your squad. Good for you, it must be nice to have that sorta willpower.
If you got mostly Cs you’re "No Hands" - Wale
You’re always down to have fun, and wherever the spotlight goes, you go. Can’t remember last night? No problem. Knowing you, it was a good time.
If you got mostly Ds you’re "Chillin" - Wale
While all of your classmates are out here trying to get recruited, you and your low blood pressure can relax because you know what’s meant to happen will happen.
If you got mostly Es you’re "Bag of Money" - Wale
If you got the money, you might as well flaunt it. You’re just out here trying to live your best life, and if that means treating yourself so be it.