Flyby Tries: Spirit Airlines
Picture this: you have just returned to campus for the spring semester. The cold Boston breeze almost blows you over as you trudge towards your dorm with entirely too much luggage. You already want to leave. The closest ray of hope in your life is… SPRING BREAK! As essentially the only time off we get during our spring semester, spring break is of EXTREME importance. So much so that everything that happens in the spring semester can be categorized as either Before Spring Break or After Spring Break Sadness.
If you’re like us, the only thing standing between you and brightening up your Instagram with the trip of a lifetime is the cost. You obviously want to save money for where it truly counts, like hotels (we see you, all inclusive-ers) or buying and developing disposable photos, and therefore might be wondering if there’s an easy way to conserve.
As your helpful Flyby writers, we propose to you a solution — budget your flight! The flight to your spring break destination is going to be the least memorable part of your trip. In fact, we doubt that you’ll even be awake for it. You’re going to get there one way or another, so who cares if you aren’t given a complimentary snack along the way? And the best way to cut plane costs? Spirit Airlines, our new saving grace.
Some of you might be Spirit newbies, but no need to worry about what flying Spirit is like, as Flyby has tried it for you!
1. Abandon All Carry-Ons, Ye Who Enter Here (the Spirit plane)
One of the downsides wonderful perks of Spirit is that they don’t include complimentary carry-ons. Since the price of adding one is often at least half of the ticket price itself, there isn’t really a point to bringing one. This is perfect for the average spring break traveler – tiny tops and bathing suits will fit extremely well into your school-backpack-turned-suitcase. Nonetheless, this does mean that Spirit is not meant for the weak, requiring both the mental strength to leave behind that one cute beach-cover up and the physical strength necessary to stuff everything into your bag.
2. Patience is a Necessary Virtue
Look. We’re not going to deny the rumors. There is a non-zero chance that Spirit will continue to delay your flight into oblivion only for it to just end up canceled. There is also a non-zero chance that you will spend the days leading up to your trip morbidly watching TikToks about how people also flying to your destination ALL had their flights canceled. HOWEVER, this isn’t actually that bad! If you think about it, you’re really just getting ahead on that zen, easy-going lifestyle that spring break is all about. Plus, as firm believers in anecdotal evidence, we do have to emphasize that our flights didn’t get delayed. Arezoo’s flight did take an hour to take off once everyone was seated, though, because someone forgot to tag their child’s stroller and “submit necessary paperwork,” so...
3. Get in Losers, We’re Going Shopping!
Even though our Spirit flight was smooth sailing for the most part — at least once we were in the air, we can confidently say that the last thirty minutes or so of your voyage will be turbulent with announcements. Want a new credit card? Spirit’s got you covered; you can sign up for one even when you’re thousands of miles high in the air. You don’t? Spirit still has you covered, and will harass you over the plane intercom until you consider it for at least a minute. Even if shoveling a little more cash toward Spirit in this way wasn’t on your radar, there are plenty of other opportunities on your flight for you to do just that. You can ring your card for a classic peanut snack, soda, or even WATER on the cart that your lovely flight attendants will make readily available. You’re on vacation, might as well treat yourself to some refreshing H2O for the low, low price of four dollars.
4. The In-Plane Movie Becomes VR
A Spirit flight is nothing if not eventful. Filled with jokes and “gotchas,” the pilot did in fact momentarily convince half the plane that we were going to Cancun and Chicago, rather than Fort Lauderdale. If this didn’t wake us up enough during our early morning travels, Arezoo’s flight was also surprised with a proposal. Yes, a man got on one knee in the Spirit Airlines aisle, while the seatbelt sign was on, and put a ring on one lucky woman’s finger. Personally, we would say no we’re not too sure how we would feel if we were in this situation, but as viewers to this joyous moment, Arezoo was leaning over the edge of her tiny, last row seat to demonstrate her support. Another notable part of Arezoo’s flight was a silly-string-mustard-bottle, which one flight attendant lovingly sprayed on unsuspecting, unconscious passengers while pretending to check the overhead baggage. So hey, even though Spirit’s planes don't have entertainment systems, we can guarantee that there will be plenty of other attention grabbers to fill your time.
5. No, the Plane is Not Going Down, We’re Just Landing (cue the applause)
As expected of such a beloved airline, Spirit is considerate enough to provide every passenger with a complimentary wake-up call when the plane lands. You can be assured that no matter how deep your plane sleep is, the thump thump THUMP THUMPPPP thump thump THUMP of the plane will wake you up. Seconds after you open your bleary eyes and face the too-bright world, you’ll also be met with a round of questionably-deserved applause for the pilot from your fellow passengers. It’s really just so pleasant. After all, you did it. You survived Spirit.

If you couldn’t already tell from our travel experiences, saving money through flying Spirit is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Whether it be something jaw dropping that you see on the plane during your flight or your jaw literally dropping when you see the prices that are presented to you once on-board, Spirit will guarantee that you have endless stories to tell your travel-mates and family at home once you land. We here at Flyby definitely recommend Spirit Airlines to any people who are looking to save a dollar or two or, literally speaking, 40.