Crimson staff writer

Aditi Balakrishna

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Wedding: Michael J. Gaffney ’08-’10 and Jenny C. Carloss ’07

Michael J. Gaffney ’08-’10 said he “thought it was code” when Jenny C. Carloss ’07 asked him to come over for a study session the night before their American Presidency exam in January 2007. “I brought a movie,” he explained.

Where not to study...

FlyBy went to try to knock a paper out of the way in the 3rd Floor Widener Reading Room when ...

Senior Class Secretary and Treasurer Announced

Harvard Alumni Association Senior Class Coordinator Alexandra Monti just announced in an e-mail to the senior class that Leverett House

Don't Know Much About History?

According to an e-mail sent over the Adams Schmooze earlier today, various History Department faculty members will be visiting the