Crimson staff writer

Rachel A. Stark

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Voices From Beyond the Grave in Bolaño’s ‘Return’

Roberto Bolaño once expressed disdain for magical realism as a literary style. Yet, in the latest collection of stories published posthumously by the acclaimed Chilean writer, Bolaño creates worlds that stretch far beyond the realms of reality.

Altered Offerings Greet Freshmen

With Advising Fortnight nearly halfway over, Harvard freshman are now officially on the path to picking a concentration. But for

Gen Ed approves 16 new courses drawn almost entirely from existing offerings in the Core or departments

Sixteen courses—only one of which was newly created—were approved for Gen Ed credit at the beginning of this month. Jason

General Education Courses Still Few in Quantity

While six courses were approved for General Education credit late last month, one of the curriculum’s eight required categories now

Internet Safety Report Released

Internet safety for minors was the focus of a report released by the Berkman Center for Internet and Society last

A Post-Partisan Christianity

As the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama approaches, every single detail of the ceremony has come under intense scrutiny from

Recruiters Target LGBT Community

On a Monday night in September, about two dozen Harvard students gathered at the Harvard Square hot spot Red Line,

White Ribbon Panel Discusses Rape

In the midst of a week devoted to stopping violence against women, organizers came together last night for a more