Crimson staff writer

Irene Y. Chen

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A Full House Without Olsens

Unlike soap operas in America that are banished to daytime television, Taiwanese dramas—or in this case, translated Korean dramas that also become popular in Taiwan—are thriving.

Not So Fast, CS

It is with great joy that professors, students, and faculty welcomed the record number of women who declared computer science ...

Born to Bracket

True, public acceptance of Obama’s NCAA bracketing centers around a simple truth: Presidents are people, too

Dialing Down

As the superpowers of hand-held technology clash over dominance overhead, it’s easy to forget the bystanders, the sheepish consumers who buy less sophisticated phones—students shamed into silences that their parsimonious natures overcome their technological savvy. No more. I am the proud owner of a dumbphone.

We Need More Bodies

It’s all in how you say it: “Oh wow.”

Fabulous Freshman Fifteen

College creates a perfect environment for adding pounds.