Contributing writer

Laurel M. Shugart

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Harvard Square Homeless Shelter Debuts Renovations To Adapt To 6-Month Stays

The Harvard Square Homeless Shelter unveiled the renovation of their space on Friday — and with it, a dramatic shift in their model to allow shelter guests to stay for the entirety of the 6-month operational season.

Council Endorses Bill Allowing Cities to Require Payments From Large Nonprofits, Including Harvard

The Cambridge City Council voted on Tuesday to endorse a state bill that would allow the city to require large institutions like Harvard to pay 25 percent of their assessed property value through Payment in Lieu of Taxes payments.

Cambridge Residents Alliance Rallies in Solidarity with Encampment Protesters

More than 50 non-Harvard affiliates and Cambridge residents rallied outside of Johnston Gate on Sunday afternoon in a rally organized by the Cambridge Residents Alliance in solidarity with students participating in a pro-Palestine Harvard Yard encampment.