City Politics

City Council Defers Bike Lane Discussion Following Friday’s Fatal Crash

The death of a cyclist in a Friday collision with a box truck was not discussed in depth at Monday’s Cambridge City Council, but is certain to add urgency and emotion to a longstanding debate over bike safety in Cambridge.

City Council Approves Nearly $1 Billion City Budget, but Cautions Against Further Growth

The Cambridge City Council unanimously passed a nearly $1 billion operating budget and $74 million capital budget for the 2025 fiscal year without major modifications during a meeting Monday evening.

Flat Tires: How A Divisive Debate Over Cambridge Bike Lanes Left Everyone Unsatisfied

As construction slowly moves forward on bike lanes, the physical separation on a growing number of Cambridge streets has come to represent a bitter division in the city’s politics — and many in the city are at a loss for how it can be bridged.

Cambridge To Consider Developing Overdose Prevention Centers

The City Council unanimously adopted a policy order on Monday supporting state legislation to legalize overdose prevention centers statewide and asked City Manager Yi-An Huang ’05 to determine the city’s “willingness to consider hosting an OPC in Cambridge.”

Council Approves Cambridge Public School Budget, Including $1 Million For Standardized English Curriculum

The Cambridge City Council voted unanimously to approve Cambridge Public Schools’ $268 million budget for fiscal year 2025, including $1 million to implement a new aligned English Language Arts curriculum across all elementary schools next fall.

Proposal to Abolish Single-Family Zoning in Cambridge Moves Forward

The proposal to abolish single-family zoning in Cambridge is moving forward through the City Council, heralding a radical shift in the city’s housing policy.

Council Asks City Staff to Launch Municipally-Funded Housing Vouchers Pilot

The Cambridge City Council asked the city’s Community Development Department to work toward a pilot program for municipally-funded housing vouchers.

Cambridge City Manager Huang Acknowledges ‘Difficult Trade-Offs’ Following Contentious Bike Lane Vote

Cambridge City Manager Yi-An Huang ’05 acknowledged the many “horrendous accidents” that have impacted Cambridge’s bikers, but said the passage of a controversial proposal to extend Cambridge’s bike lane expansion deadline reflected a need to make tough decisions on the city’s most contested political issue.

Council Endorses Bill Allowing Cities to Require Payments From Large Nonprofits, Including Harvard

The Cambridge City Council voted on Tuesday to endorse a state bill that would allow the city to require large institutions like Harvard to pay 25 percent of their assessed property value through Payment in Lieu of Taxes payments.

Cambridge City Council Calls to Keep Democracy Center Open

The Cambridge City Council passed a policy order calling on the Foundation for Civic Leadership to reconsider their decision to indefinitely close the Democracy Center — a meeting house for activists and organizers in Harvard Square – at a meeting Tuesday morning.

Mayor Wu Says She Respects Decision of Student Groups to Withdraw Support From Harvard Talk

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu ’07 spoke out about a canceled Harvard talk scheduled for Tuesday after 11 student groups withdrew from sponsoring the event over her decision to use police to clear a pro-Palestine encampment at Emerson College

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