The blog of The Harvard Crimson

Who Filled Out Flyby’s Final Club Survey?



With punch season now in full swing, it’s time to present the results of Flyby’s first-ever Final Club Survey. In this first installment of a six-part series on the survey results, we take a look at just who apparently answered our questions.



In an online survey conducted from Sept. 12-18, we asked upperclassmen a variety of questions about their perceptions and beliefs regarding Harvard’s eight male and five female final clubs.', [])

Just Because You’re in a Final Club Doesn’t Mean You Think They Should Exist



It’s punch season again at Harvard, meaning final club members are busy attending social events and slipping wax-sealed envelopes under doors. Apparently, however, they’re not all on board with the system of which they are, quite literally, dues-paying members. In Flyby’s recent Final Club Survey, 6 percent of respondents who identified themselves as final club members said they believed male final clubs should be abolished, and an additional 9 percent were undecided on the question. Respondents who identified as final club members also weren’t convinced that female final clubs should exist—5 percent said they think those clubs should be abolished, and 8 percent were undecided.', [])

Harvard Comes in First on Most Important Ranking Yet


While we may have come in second on U.S. News & World Report\'s latest list, at least we’re winning where it counts. That’s right, boys and girls, the Betches from Betches Love This have given our humble university the number one spot on their list of Ivy League betchiness. This is quite possibly our biggest accomplishment to date! (I would go so far as to argue that this is even more impressive than the $2.8 billion we have already raised for the Harvard Campaign.)


You may be asking yourself, just how exactly did we achieve such a feat?', [])

Yalies Mistake Laundry Machines for Toilets


In what Yalies have termed the “Poopgate” scandal, unknown persons have allegedly been defecating and urinating in the laundry machines of a Yale dormitory. While one might guess that the University would have the capacity to handle the matter swiftly, several weeks after the original incident there is at least one rumored suspect still on the loose. The disgusting trend started in Saybrook, one of Yale’s residential colleges.', [])

Take an Intro Class as an Upperclassman


There’s nothing worse than walking into an Ec 10 lecture as a junior, except for maybe the declining elephant population—but let’s be honest, it’s kind of a toss-up. Yet for some reason, despite the fact that we are old enough to know better, and that all of our peers have already taken the classes, we find ourselves taking freshman intro classes as upperclassmen. It’s pretty embarrassing, so here are some tips for maintaining your reputation.', [])

California and Cambridge: Six Differences


This is Part II of Flyby’s two-part From Cali to Cambridge mini-series. Check out Part I!


“Yeah, this is the coldest weather I have ever been in in my life,” a dormmate from Sri Lanka said to me as we walked back from dinner. It was September 15. The vicious New England (summer? …winter?) wind ripped through his t-shirt and shorts and I felt incredibly concerned as I imagined him walking through campus in December.


I wondered who was experiencing greater culture shock: me, a born and bred Northern Californian, or him. Because let me tell you, sometimes I have felt like I’m in a foreign country.', [])

Five Weeks In: Lessons Learned



September is coming to an end, which means for us freshmen that we’ve all completed our first full month here at college! Even though I’m giving serious thought as to how I’ve accomplished this feat, here’s some more wisdom I’ve picked up in the last few weeks.', [])

Flyby's California Student Field Identification Guide




This is Part I of Flyby’s two-part From Cali to Cambridge mini-series. Check back for Part II!



The Harvard Class of 2017 hails from dozens of countries and 49 states (sorry, Wyoming). Faced with this bewildering geographical diversity, the untrained eye may find it difficult to classify freshman passerby into their places of origin. With a little practice and help from handy this Flyby field guide, you will soon be able to spot the Californicus studentus, one of Harvard’s more exotic species of students to migrate east this fall.



Whether they hail from Pasadena or Petaluma, California students tend to exhibit one or more of the following traits, making them identifiable to the attentive observer:', [])

Sober in the Square (and Beyond): Part II


This is Part II of Flyby\'s two-part Sober in the Square (and Beyond) mini-series.\xa0Check out Part I!


So, you want to get crazy on a Saturday night but you’d rather not wake up the next morning with beer all over your new dress and someone else’s underwear stuck to your shoe. All the events and activities on this list will ensure wild times, but no headache at practice the next morning.


', [])

The Fifteen Types of Prefrosh Facebook Posts


Nowadays, the Harvard Class of 2017 Facebook page is just about as exciting as your dorm’s email list. Intramural soccer? Boring. Lost wallet? Boring. Prime minister of Norway coming to speak? Boring. But once upon a time, the page was full of posts revealing your classmates’ delightful combination of desperation, talent, and insecurity. Now that most of us have gotten the chance to reveal these qualities to one another in person, let’s relive some of the best types of prefrosh Facebook posts.', [])

What Do Professors Do in Their Down Time?



Somewhere between laundry, classes, and mountains of reading, you still find time to watch "The Newsroom,"\xa0"How I Met Your Mother," "Teen Mom," and "Game of Thrones." Ever wonder what your professor is doing besides assigning you as much reading as possible? Flyby has the scoop on your professor’s other life.', [])

Sober in the Square (and Beyond): Part I



This is Part I of Flyby's two-part Sober in the Square mini-series. Look out for Part II tomorrow!


If red Solo cups and sweaty grinding isn’t your scene, then try hitting up these non-alcoholic venues this weekend (or pre-game them, it’s your call).


Whether you find yourself with nothing to do on a Friday night, or you need to entertain relatives visiting for the weekend, these venues will keep you excited and entertained, sans alcohol.", [])

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