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There’s Something about Amy

Culture is about waiting for the second marshmallow. Structure is about making sure it gets there.

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It’s Up to You, Millennials

Demand better of your government. Help restore order and sanity to our political system.

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An Afternoon with Jack Dorsey

Three simple lessons. Give your full, undivided attention. Tell your lessons through stories. And add value.

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Who Watches the Watchmen

To improve accountability and reduce the number of tragedies, it is essential to videotape police actions as often as possible—indeed, one of the great benefits of this modern media is the powerful transparency it can offer the public.

Twitter Bird
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Twitter Bird

I, Too, Am Harvard
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I, Too, Am Harvard

I, Too, Am Harvard
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Affirmative Reaction

Affirmative action at Harvard today is affirmative action as it was conceived—equal opportunity for historically excluded groups to compete and succeed at the nation’s top universities.

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Let's Talk About Six

The growth of populism and political brinksmanship in Washington have prompted the need for a president free of the burden of re-election.

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A Letter to the Class of 2017

But any House, no matter the facilities or the location or anything else, is made incredibly special by the people in it. That sounds clichéd, but we promise that it’s true.

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The Lottery

Negative sentiment directed at any House is both unnecessary and harmful to student life at Harvard.

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The Chinese Mirage: Why Soft Power Matters

Economic superiority does not necessarily mean complete dominance of world affairs.

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Moral Sin, or Frivolous Appeal?

The Catholic Church’s doctrinal position on contraception has lost touch with the health needs of its members, to say nothing of those of Americans more broadly.

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Primary Care Crisis

Increasing the number of primary care physicians is possible and will require increased incentives to make primary care a more feasible career option.

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The Moneyball Myth

Statistics are meaningless without context, and the true lesson of “Moneyball” is that we should learn to temper our faith in numbers.
