Crimson staff writer


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Boil Order Excludes Cambridge

Cambridge Harvard University facilities remain unaffected by a major water main leak that took place Saturday in Weston, Mass. and has left an estimated two million Boston area residents without potable tap water.

Lechmere Square To Undergo Change

Lechmere Square may undergo a makeover in the near future.

Cambridge Residents Press for New Mayor

Cambridge residents expressed mixed feelings toward the Cambridge City Council last week after it failed to elect a mayor for the sixth time during its latest meeting.

Panel Remembers Senator

Dozens of students and former civil servants gathered on Tuesday night to listen to former senior advisors to the late Edward M. Kennedy ’54-’56 discuss their experiences with the senator’s contributions to education.

Lights, Camera.. Filming!

Harvard Square on Saturday evening for a filming of an upcoming episode of “Friday Night Lights,” a television serious about ...