
The Feminist Closet

​Requeermended Playlist

July 27, 2017

“This song is so important to me. It's helped me realize my sexuality... So in 2016, in June, in pride month, I just wanna say, I'm pansexual and proud.”

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Take Pride or Fake Pride?

July 13, 2017

These displays of Pride are not limited to Target. For the past month, my Facebook feed has been inundated with sponsored ads for Pride merchandise, from rainbow sneakers to heart-shaped necklaces. Some companies have created ads featuring members of the LGBTQ community, including same-sex couples and trans people. Others have paid to sponsor and participate in Pride marches. As more companies celebrate Pride month, we ought to closely examine how corporations have impacted the movement for LGBTQ equality.

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Pride and Prejudice

June 29, 2017

Police arrested 13 people while raiding the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York City.

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Love is an Open Door?

April 27, 2017

One of my friends told me this a few weeks ago as we toured upperclassmen dorms. I couldn’t stop laughing for the rest of the tour. Nothing beats a good closet joke.

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Allyship: Intent vs Impact

April 13, 2017

A week later, two queer people in my hall were hosting a small queer get-together in a dorm room. I wasn’t personally invited, but, eager to be supportive in my role as a newly minted ally, I showed up anyways. Other allies had the same idea, and the event quickly dissolved into a Q&A session where the few self-identified queer people in the room felt obligated to explain their identities to a large group of curious allies. I didn’t notice how exhausted they were because I was too focused on my own questions, my own learning, and my own experience as an ally. I invaded their space and prioritized my desire to perform allyship over their need to build community.

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