Contributing writer
Mirika J. Jambudi
Contributing writer Mirika J. Jambudi can be reached at
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Dear Seniors: Here Are Some Great Locations for Commencement Photos
A picture is worth a thousand words, especially when it comes to capturing the essence of your Harvard experience.
Flyby Tries: Going to the Loomis-Michael Observatory
Ignoring the three psets she had due the next day, this Flyby writer headed in the exact opposite direction of Lamont and set out in search of the Loomis-Michael Observatory.
Types of Students During Reading Period
Reading period has us all in varying degrees of being unhinged. Try to stay in Lawful Good instead of Chaotic Evil!
Flyby’s Crimson Print Cheat Sheet
Do you know how to use Crimson print? No? We thought so! One Flyby writer has generously created a step-by-step so you never have to stand awkwardly in front of a printer, hoping a kind passerby stops to help, again!